Page 24 of Wicked Succubus
“How long are we staying?” I ask.
It didn’t dawn on me to ask before. I just automatically assumed we’d leave after dinner, especially because he knows I have a date with Easton tomorrow, and by date, I mean a way for me to escape the house and feed. That’s the only reason I entertained the idea of going out with him. Easton is always inattentive, and he would provide me with the perfect opportunity to hunt and feed. It’s a brilliant plan if Agent Cooper doesn’t fuck it up for me by making us stay the whole weekend. If that happens, I’ll need to feed here, and that would be too difficult to accomplish. It’s already hard enough tracking down dirtbags to feed on in another city with Agent Cooper up my ass. It would be impossible to do that in such a dangerous and unfamiliar realm.
“We leave tomorrow morning.” Well, fuck.
“Why can’t we leave today?” I try not to act like the idea worries me, but it does. What happens if he tries to push it out another day? I don’t think I have the power to hold my glamour together.
“You’ll see.”
I don’t like his extremely cryptic words. What the hell did I get myself into? Thankfully, I don’t have to feed until tomorrow, but I need to make sure we leave in the morning. The carriage finally rolls to a stop. As I peer out the window, shock locks my muscles in place.
“What in the fuck is that!” I scream.
An enormous castle sprawls before me, more staggering than anything I’ve even seen pictures of. My mind reels trying to take in the scale and enormity of the fortress in front of me. This can’t be real. The carriage door opens, but I’m frozen, unable to move. Where I’m from, castles like this don’t exist outside of fairytales and fantasies. Yet here one stands in all its glory. I’m awe-struck, and the image sears itself into my brain.
“Miss, may I help you?” the driver asks as he holds the door open. I look down at him as he waits for me to get out.
“Yes, of course.” I hold onto his hand while my delicate-heeled shoe touches the steps. It’s even more stunning up close.
“Who lives here?” I look up, not paying attention to my surroundings.
“The king,” Agent Cooper answers before jumping right back into his conversation with Edwin.
I’m in such awe that I don’t put two and two together. “So, your dad lives here?”
“Yeah,” he replies with a hint of boredom.
“Wow.” I’m not sure what else to say.
There are plenty of people outside, and once they notice us, their eyes light up. As their gleaming eyes settle on Agent Cooper, a flurry of emotions plays across their striking features. Some gaze with cool calculation. Others look caught off guard but quickly school their expressions into practiced neutrality. A few regard us with unveiled curiosity, briefly glancing at one another in shared excitement.
“I thought you said this would be a dinner.” I look at the lingering stares. This was not what I expected. I’m not sure exactly what I thought this would look like, but it sure isn’t this.
“It is.” He finally steps next to me, also taking in the castle.
“Then why is the whole . . .” I’m not sure what to call it, “country coming to dinner? Is this normal?”
“No. It’s because I’m making an appearance today. My father has decided to invite the important people from Faerie, but it’s not the whole country, I can assure you.”
Yeah, whatever you say, prince.
“Prince . . .” someone calls out to him, but he ignores it and stares at me instead.
“I thought you were Agent Cooper,” I say accusingly, knowing he doesn’t owe me anything.
“Not here. Here I’m Prince Valerian.” He stares at me like he’s trying to read me. He believes that our dynamic will change now that I know he’s a prince, but that’s the total opposite. It makes me hate him more.
“Does everyone in the FBI know?”
He rests his hand near his sword. Sword? I guess it’s strange for me to see this. I’m used to seeing him with a holster and a gun.
“No, only my boss and my best friend.”
“Agent Rodriguez?”
“She’s not my best friend.” So, his partner doesn’t even know. That’s interesting. With her being his colleague and all, I thought he’d confide in her about his secret life. “Zel, this place is dangerous. Whatever the circumstances, do not leave my sight.”
That definitely depends on how long he makes me stay here and if I need to feed.