Page 79 of Biker's Enemy
"Absolutely not. I’m dropping you off at the bus station," I tease her. Oske looks at me glaring until I break into a smile. She punches my arm pretty hard for a girl that small. Wolverine ass woman.
"I need more money,” Oske says calmly but firmly. “Call Wyatt and tell him to send me money if he expects me to stick with you assholes.”
"We can't keep giving you cash without getting it from somewhere," I explain through gritted teeth. I know Oske only enjoys pissing people off, so I try not to give her the satisfaction. Unfortunately, she observes the slightest twitching in my facial muscles. A smug smile crosses her face.
"I know how expensive it is to get housing out there in the colonizer world. I think you owe me at least $5,000 for using my house to torture some crazy ass white woman."
Owen can't hide his worry. He steps between me and Oske.
"What the hell are you going to do when they start shooting?" he asks her.
"It depends on what you give me," she says. "I can handle a shotgun, rifle. Not so good with a pistol but... I can practice."
Owen raises his eyebrow and looks at me for guidance. I have to run a quick analysis of the situation and determine which choice will bring me the least amount of trouble. Ruger putting his hands on Oske could start an outright civil war at the worst possible time. I might not have $5,000 to give her, but if I stick her on the back of Owen's bike, we can shut her up for the next couple hundred miles.
If we're lucky, I'll get a chance to dump her on the doorstep of some affiliated Shaw and get Oske off my hands. How does she go through money so fucking quickly, anyway?
"She's good with a gun from what I've heard," I answer Owen, registering his obvious surprise. "But I wouldn't trust her with one unless absolutely necessary."
Oske relaxes visibly sensing that she's going to get her way.
"Get a bag packed," I tell her. "Owen will carry you. Before I head back to Santa Fe, I have to intercept my girl and my daughter."
"Since when do you have a daughter?" Oske says, looking me up and down.
Owen steps in so I don't have to. "Get your shit packed, Oske. I don't rid easy."
"I don't need you to go easy on me, white boy."
Owen grins. "Sure you want to play that game?"
She rolls her eyes and struts back into her room to get her stuff. Owen fully expresses his concerns.
"Is this what Wyatt wants?"
"She's your family," I tell him. "I'm doing what makes sense to keep her safe. Ruger is unhinged and I don't know the last time he's been with a woman."
Owen returns my grimace and nods.
"Best keep Oske out of trouble. She has a smart mouth and so does he. Terrible combination."
"She's good with a gun," I tell him. "That much is true. Hope we don't need a woman to save our asses."
"We won't need a woman at all," Owen says. "Mom has that Nazi bitch in her basement somewhere and Avery is with Quin. I heard through the grapevine she treats Avery like her own."
Just the slightest mention of Quin makes me uncomfortable. It's not shame, but this deep desire to protect her and even keep her name away from other men. Even Owen.
"She does," I respond. "She's a good girl."
Owen smirks. "Damn. You are sprung."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means, you're obvious as shit when you like a woman."
I can feel my cheeks betraying me. "Shut the fuck up."
Owen laughs, but luckily, he's smart enough to drop the subject when Oske emerges with a backpack slung around one shoulder.