Page 8 of The Fallen
?“Come on, be serious please,” she said wiping her face.
?“How did you get here Marie? How did you know to come here?” he asked.
?Marie stopped snickering.
?“You know you're changing, but you refuse to admit it. You feel emotion as if it were an animate object. You sense it in the air, all around you.” He was anxious. “That night when you called to me,” he paused in front of her, “I wanted to come to you. I told you I would come quick, fast and...”
?“In a hurry,” Marie finished his sentence. “But how? I just don't understand how. If I'm an angel, how is it I didn't know all this time?”
?“That's what I was trying to tell you; someone shielded you.”
?Brenton explained that when he was younger, he had visions of other angels. All of the Elyos did. It was the guide for the life he was meant to lead. From the visions, they would learn about the beginning of their race and who their ancestors were. It was how they stayed connected.
?He had dreams that showed him his heritage, the power he obtained and about his fathering angel. He started training at the age of five, learning how to control his thoughts, his gifts and being prepared for war.
?Apparently Marie was shielded from knowing who she was and her lineage. Someone erased her memories and masked her powers, which made her neutral. She was more human than angel.
?“When I was younger, I would see weird images in front of me all the time. They would come out of nowhere. I could see them in my dreams or sometimes, when I'm awake,” Marie said. “It's starting to happen again.”
?“What did you see?”
?Marie's brain felt like it was about explode as she tried to remember the things she wanted so badly to forget. Even though they were coming back to haunt her, she hated thinking about it.
?She gave Brenton every account of the memories she could muster up. There weren't many from when she was young, but the recent ones were still fresh. Sometimes she could see handwriting in the air, in a language she couldn't understand, by a hand she couldn't see. Other times, it was a land that was abundant in trees and crystal like rivers. This land was free of any modern technology or anything she grew up with. She told him of the women she saw and how they dressed in long, silky, purple robes, with tiaras on their head.
?“I hate to break it to you, but those were your heritage visions. The handwriting you saw was from the Book of Angels, the language was Hebrew. It is our history. And our past is being the product of spirit and flesh, descendants of the fallen and mortal women,” he said.
?“The fallen?”
?“Yeah, the angels who fell from Heaven because they went against God's will and mated with mortal women.”
?Marie had to take a minute to grasp what he was telling her. Never in a million years would she have thought this was possible. But somehow, it still made sense. She knew she wasn't normal; she always felt so different from everyone else.
?“So, if what you're telling me is true, that would mean one of my parents has the blood of an angel, right?” she asked.
?“Yes, but which one, I don't know,” he said picking up a rock and throwing it. “Since you were shielded, there is a chance you could be adopted.”
?“What? No way. Why would you say something like that?”
?Marie was starting to really get aggravated. He had some nerve telling her that. There was no way she was adopted. She and her mom looked exactly alike, and she acted just like her dad.
?“I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. It's just that, back then, the angels were punished for defiling the Earth and were thrown in prison. Their children were to be destroyed, but some of our ancestors escaped. They were being hunted and if caught they would be thrown into the pit to await judgment. Some of the women shielded their child, so their powers wouldn't give them away, and gave them up, to protect them.”
?“I don't care what happened back then, I'm not adopted. Do you understand me?” she said fuming.
?“Okay, I got it.”
?They sat on the bleachers until the sun started going down, talking about angelic history as it was taught and shown to Brenton. Marie listened intently.
?He explained that there were three different spheres of angels, each containing three different orders. The first of the spheres being the closest to God; the Seraphim, Cherubim and Ophanim, who were the heavenly counselors and guardians of the throne. The second sphere consisted of the Dominions, Virtues and Powers. This order worked as the heavenly governors. They were descendants of the third hierarchy, the principalities, archangels and angels, whose main function was heavenly messengers and soldiers.
?Before the fall, angels were described as being avid worshipers, providers and protectors. They revealed messages from God to man, gave instructions, strengthened and encouraged His people.
?The Fallen were originally sent to teach mankind how to do what was right and just upon the earth. They were to teach virtue and righteousness as well as assist those who were being attacked by forces of evil. But once the angels descended, the plans changed.
?It only took two hundred angels to fall and bind themselves to the Earth to sully the angels good name. Ironically, the thing they were supposed to teach the humans, is what they fell prey to.
?It was said that when a child of an angel died, it's spirit became demonic. A percentage of the disembodied spirits stayed on earth to try and lead mankind astray.