Page 4 of Cruel Alpha Bully
I grapple with this thought, fighting panic. I can do this; I know I can. I’m destined to be alpha. The strongest alpha this pack has ever had.
After some time staring at the flames, I realize the potion they gave me has slowed down all my bodily functions, but I don’t feel sedated. I’m quite clear and alert, even though my breathing is slow and light, and I can barely feel my heartbeat. I look into the fire and periodically close my eyes, letting my thoughts wander as they will.
For some reason, I’m thinking about prom night again.
I feel a slight twinge of pain in my chest. She annoyed me for a long time, even though she barely ever spoke to me. I couldn’t ignore her, even though she was so quiet and could blend into blank walls.
Every time I sent a nasty joke her way, it was to cover the fact that I’d been staring at her and someone had noticed my attention. Just the faintest hint of a raised eyebrow from one of my friends, and a sharp wisecrack would whip through the air, deflecting any idea that I found Gina attractive.
A shy, plump girl like her was not a suitable mate for an alpha. How could she be? If I gave in to my attraction for her, my eligibility as alpha could be questioned. My every rejection of her was born from the fact I wanted her so much, and I knew we could never be together.
I was protecting her, as well as myself.
Daily, I’d make the halls ring as I threw insults her way and ripped her down.
But nothing was as bad as prom night.
I close my eyes tightly, drawing myself into the darkness of my thoughts. I can still hear Jill’s voice telling me that Gina loved me. Of course, I brushed it off with scorn, but Jill couldn’t leave it there. She had to keep coming, telling everyone about Gina’s undying obsession with me.
When I caught Gina’s eye, she was clearly mortified, but I detected the faintest hint of hope in her eyes. When the crowd fell silent, and people began to look between Gina and me with real worry—and some scorn of their own—I shattered all of Gina’s fantasies with my hateful words and a torrent of cruel laughter.
I had no choice. I was on the spot, right in front of the whole school. I cared too much about my reputation, about looking weak in front of the rest of the pack.
She fled the gym. I never saw her again.
I feel terrible for what I did that night. I really didn’t want to hurt her, and I know I took it too far. I just couldn’t let anyone know what I was really feeling.
Horny as hell.
She looked so lovely in that pale blue silk gown. It matched her gorgeous, sky-blue eyes. I remember how her long, thick, glossy black hair fell in curls across her shoulders. It was the first time I’d ever seen it loose and free, not trapped in a neat bun.
I harden my heart, staring into the flames. I was the fucking prom king, and the next alpha To maintain status and respect, I couldn’t be seen with a woman like that.
No matter how much I wanted her.
More details crowd into my mind. The low-cut, heart-shaped neckline of the dress framing her huge soft breasts. The tight waistline flowing down into a thick, full skirt, showing off all her luscious, generous curves. Jet-black curls framing her face that made her eyes look wide and deep, like forest pools frosted with ice. Her lips were painted a bright warm red, and all I could think about was kissing that perfect mouth with my own.
Through my intense thoughts, a strong, fast rhythm starts to throb in my ears. I look around, wondering where it’s coming from. There is a new scent teasing me, too. It’s like someone is baking cookies nearby, and I can smell the butter as well as the chocolate chips. My mouth starts to water as I imagine filling my mouth with that delicious and wonderful scent.
Then, I see her.
My heart seizes in my chest as if it’s been grabbed by a hand made of steel and crushed to a pulp. Shock crackles through me as if I’ve been hit by lightning.
Her ice-blue eyes arrest my gaze. I stare at her, thinking I must be dreaming, or completely whacked out by whatever the hell they put into that tea.
The longer I stare, the more real she becomes. The drumming sound is her heart, pounding faster and faster. Behind it, the soft rush of her breath. Her eyes still look like iced-over pools in mid-winter, crystal surfaces hiding dark, cold secrets.
The scent is getting stronger, and I’m so hungry now I’m in real physical pain. My mouth is watering so much, I’m about to start drooling. I flick my tongue across my lips and catch a hint of the aroma again. Sweet, rich, delicious, luscious…
The scent—it’s coming from her!
Before I can even think about this for a second, Carson turns towards the woods, making a grand gesture with one hand. He calls on the ancient forces that rule our hearts. He begs them to reveal my mate by the ancient rite and then points into the trees.
At Gina.