Page 2 of Rejected Wolf Mate
He raised an eyebrow, that smirk still on his face. Then, as if I hadn’t said anything, he asked, “What do you know of the Silver Wolves?”
“A bit,” I said, still wondering where this was going.
“So tell me what you know about them.”
“They’re a spec-ops group,” I said. “Ostensibly retired, but they still do the odd job every now and again. I think I’ve heard rumors they’re based in Colorado.”
“Brixton. An hour or two north of Denver up in the mountains. They’re part of the Obsidian Pack now.”
“Okay, great. You’ve done your research on them. I don’t know what this has to do with me.”
“One of their members is a Rand Oakvald,” he said, eyes locked on me.
I stilled, my muscles tensing as my jaw set. He grinned, showing his teeth as he saw his trap closing.
“A rather prominent monster hunter for several years before joining the military and eventually the Silver Wolves. If I’m not mistaken, you’re familiar with him.” Ansel spoke conversationally, even as his eyes glinted.
“You know I am,” I said. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t be bringing it up.”
He nodded in concession. “What happened exactly?” he asked.
“What happened is that he dumped my ass in a really shitty way,” I said. “That’s all you need to know.”
For the last several years, I had tried to get over him. Tried to tell myself that it was over and done with and I needed to move past it. The only problem was I had never been great at not holding grudges. I had moved on with my life. He had clearly moved on with his. But that didn’t mean the thought of him, when it snuck up on me or was shoved in my face like right now, didn’t make me bristle with anger. The acrid taste of betrayal was still fresh in my mouth.
I still remembered his obnoxiously perfect face, the perpetual 5 o’clock shadow that seemed to reemerge seconds after shaving, the broad shoulders, and the way he seemed to fill a room, physically and with his personality. I remember the easy, cocksure grin he sometimes got, especially when he knew he had gotten under my skin.
I also remembered him walking out on me.
Ansel watched me, studying my features to gauge my reaction.
“I believe we could help one another out,” he said. “Since Aspen, we have a bit too much heat on us. Unfortunately, I’ve started getting noticed.”
I nodded. “I’ve heard talk of the Gray Wolf as a new criminal mastermind.” Another reason I wanted out of the whole thing. Petty crime to support me and my sister was one thing. Being part of an intricate criminal organization was another thing altogether. The instant I’d started hearing whispers about the Gray Wolf, I knew I needed to get out. I had been trying to go about it slowly. But Aspen had been the final straw, and I’d pulled the trigger.
Ansel grimaced, rolling his eyes. “I don’t know about ‘mastermind,’” he said. “And Gray Wolf sounds overly dramatic to me, don’t you think? But that’s beside the point. Some of my sources close to the Wolf’s Council have told me that they plan on reaching out to the Silver Wolves to get their help.”
I frowned, jaw tensing. The fact that the Wolf’s Council was concerned enough about the Gray Wolf to enlist an elite black-ops team sent off all sorts of alarm bells. Just more reason for me to get out as soon as possible.
“I think this sounds like the perfect time for me to back out, then,” I said. “Good lu—”
Ansel held up a hand, and I fell silent. He had that effect.
“Let me make you my offer,” he said. “I will give you a substantial amount of money to infiltrate the Silver Wolves. Use your ex as leverage. Get as much information as you can without being caught, including what they know about us and any information about their plans you can find out. Maybe go in acting as a damsel in distress who can provide them with ‘useful’ information about us. Once that’s over with—let’s say it’ll take a few weeks—we can part ways. You’ll never have to see us again.”
I didn’t say anything for a long moment, my mind wrapping around the situation. Thea and I could use the money, especially if we were moving.
“How much?” I finally said.
He gave me a number. My mouth dropped open.
“That’s a lot of zeros,” I finally said.
He grinned. “Consider it a bonus, plus severance pay, plus a token of my appreciation.”
I tried to keep my face a mask, but already my mind was spinning, calculating what that amount of money would mean. I’d be able to support Thea and myself for the rest of our lives and never have to worry about working again. I could make sure Thea stayed safe no matter what, even if something happened to me.
He opened a locked drawer in his desk and plopped down a thick file.