Page 2 of Addison
There's a thick tension in the air; no one wants to make any big noises and scare Glenn on his big boy journey.
"Come on, come to momma," I coo again, and Glenn gives me a big smile. Even with only four little teeth in his mouth, it's still the best smile I've ever seen. His expression makes my heart want to explode. If I wasn't trying to teach him how to walk, I'd rush right over to him and pick him up into my arms.
I suck in a breath and hold it when he lifts his foot up tentatively and puts it down in front of him.
He moves forward, and I hear everyone else suck in a deep breath as well.
In days past, the rest of the club would be off somewhere, either on a run or having a good time. Tonight, though, everyone is sitting around watching my son take his first steps. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were just as invested in my little tyke as I am. Of course, I know it's not true. No one can love this little boy as much as I do.
Glenn takes another step in my direction, and my chest squeezes when he wobbles a little harder. In a split second, I scan the area around him just to make sure that there's nothing in the near vicinity that he can hurt himself on if he were to fall over. I'm sure he'd be okay, but I never want him to hurt. Ever.
Glenn doesn't even recognize my growing anxiety; instead, he just continues smiling at me and takes another step in my direction.
I should be recording this. No, I can't move. Is he too young to be trying to walk?
A million doubts rush through my mind in between my little boy's small steps. I never thought I'd be a parent, and now that I am, I'm never sure if I'm doing the right thing for him. The last thing I want to do is mess him up in some way.
"You got it! You got it!" Bumblebee cheers Glenn on from where she's standing on the opposite side of the room but doesn't move so she doesn't distract Glenn.
The smile on his face falters a little as he stares at my outstretched arms. He's trying so hard to make it to me.
"Come on, baby," I coo again, and it's like that's all the battery he needs to get his legs moving again. Another step, and then another.
Before I realize it, Glenn has taken a full seven steps before he nearly throws himself into my arms.
The entire clubhouse explodes in cheers and applause.
"Yeah! Good job, Glenn!" Vexx claps from where she's at. Out of my peripheral vision, I see her smiling wide.
She's happy; they all are sharing in this small moment with me and my son.
"Oh, you're such a big boy. I love you so much. You did so good, Glenn!" I pick him up and cradle him against my chest, kissing and smoothing the hair back from his face. I'd do anything for this little boy. He's my one reason for living a better life, or trying to, at least.
Slowly, the entire group starts to disperse, and I find myself just holding my son and peering down into his gorgeous gray eyes.
I could find the answers to all my problems in those little eyes if I tried. I do on a regular basis.
"Baby, you know what happens next, right?" I turn my head to see Riot standing at the door. I'm not sure when she came back.
"Huh? What?"
I know it's ridiculous, but for some reason, I'm scared of what's going to come out of her mouth next. What if this was the one thing the club was waiting on to put me out? Once they felt confident that Glenn was progressing, they could make us leave. After all, I'm only a prospect. So far, all they've been doing is providing for us. I've brought nothing to the table worth anything.
"What?" I ask, my words slightly shaky.
"Babyproofing." Riot laughs loud, throwing her head back and letting her bright green boy-cut hair flop from side to side.
My shoulders slump hard, and I instantly feel solace from her kind words. She stops laughing and peers into my face. "Wah gwan?"
"Nothing, that's just not what I thought you were going to say." I smirk at her before my attention goes back down to Glenn, who is practicing his bubbles.
If I saw anyone else doing something like that, I'd be disgusted, but on this little boy, it's adorable.
"What do you mean that's not what you thought I was going to say? Did you think I was going to have bad news or something?" Riot comes to sit next to me and Glenn, immediately taking the little boy out of my arms so she can get some auntie time.
"Not bad... I mean, I don't know. I'm just always waiting for you guys to get enough of me. Waiting for the day to come when you say enough is enough and want to have us out of here."
If looks could kill, I'd be a dead woman right now. Riot nearly sneers at me.