Page 73 of Serenity
Water to oil. Sincere and I never mixed. Supreme and I had been close in our former years. Much closer than he was with his younger brother. Viridescent, jealousy grabbed ahold of Sincere at that fact and never let that motherfucker go.
Slipping away, I allowed the group to continue their conversation. Allowed my thoughts to carry me deep into my head despite the surroundings. I never came to these shits. Bee was the only reason I was in attendance at fucking the auction. Though I hadn’t bid on a date for obvious reasons, I’d pledged a sizable write-off to contribute to the cause on behalf of Colonial Holdings. Already, the check was tucked away with the gallery manager, Misty.
A pulsing temple and bruised feelings led me out of the crowded space and into the backseat of the Cadillac SUV I’d arrived in without a word or a wave goodbye.
“Gray Hotel, Mr. Stepford?” Reed asked as I entered.
“Will Ms. Miller be joining us?”
Accustomed to Serenity’s presence, Reed asked of her.
“Not tonight, Reed.”
Bare, cold limbs wrapped around my naked frame from behind, dragging my mind from the depths of a filthy dream that left me on brick. I shifted at the presence, and in response, the petite soul drew closer, revealing herself.
“You’re mad at me.”
I played sleep.
“I know you’re awake, Duke. Your breathing shifted the moment I touched you. Look at me.”
At my refusal, she climbed on top of me. Her thighs shifted my frame, forcing me onto my back. In the ideal position, she slid me inside her wetness.
“Tell me what’s wrong, baby. Talk to me,” she moaned while rocking her hips and grinding slowly.
Downright despicable, our physical connection was, matching that of our tied souls. A shift in her energy alerted me like an internal alarm. Similarly, she wielded such a skillset over me.
“Babyyy,” she moaned, and I gave in to the embellished nipples calling my mouth. Gold hoop rings sporting the letter D replaced the subtler studs she often wore. The piercings intensified stimulation in the sensitive area. My thumb and lips were beyond happy to oblige, pinching, twirling, and licking.
Sitting up, I grabbed hold of her waist and rotated us so she was flat on her back.
“Hands to ankles.”
As the command was issued, Serenity’s legs stretched wide, as did her hands. Obediently, she grabbed ahold of each side, ready to fly.
The position granted deeper access to her portal of pleasure. In and out, I dug inside her cavern of warmth. In and out, she mewled and tightened her cave around me. In and out, I massaged her before switching gears to beat her pretty pussy up. She’d struck a nerve. And while it hadn’t been a big deal, she’d chosen sex to blanket the issue instead of a discussion. Steam freed from my ears about that, too.
“Please, Duke.”
“You want to talk, or you want to be fucked?” Lowly, I growled, keeping my rhythm.
“Are you ashamed of me, Bee?” I pumped into her depths, feeling her end nearing. Deeper than surface level, the affront from this evening left me with a lingering soreness.
“No, baby.”
“So, why the weird energy tonight?”
No man or God did I care for on her tongue when inside what belonged to me. Pumping harder, I rearranged the layout of internal organs and forced my name to cascade from her lips.