Page 105 of Sweet Animosity
I tightened my arm around her as I rasped against her neck, “Go to sleep, krasivaya. You’ll want to be rested for your wedding day tomorrow.”
“Is this a bad time?”
I sat up with a start.
Then I remembered I was naked in a freaking hospital bed… with an even more naked Var lying next to me.
Technically, he was the same level of naked as me, but with him it just felt more naked.
It was probably the height and the insane muscles and tattoos. Who was I kidding? It was the freaking beast of a cock swinging between his arrogant thighs. I’m not sure how thighs could be arrogant, but trust me, his were!
It was official. I was losing my damn mind. This man was messing with my brain.
I clutched the blanket to my chest as I nudged Var. “I… um… hello, Doctor.”
The doctor consulted her iPad, seemingly unfazed by the strange sight of one of her patients naked in bed with someone. “I have your test results.”
Var rolled out of the bed and stood with his hands on his hips.
I lunged to block the doctor’s view of his morning wood.
Var put his hands on my shoulders. His hard cock pushed against my back. “What are the results?”
The doctor focused on the duck pond landscape print as she cleared her throat. “Test results are clear. I’ve authorized your discharge.”
Adjusting the blanket higher, I asked, “Are you absolutely certain, Doctor? Maybe there are more tests you should run?”
The doctor checked her notes. “No. You’re fine. Take it easy for the next twenty-four hours and call your primary care physician if you experience any dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, or nausea. And just be more careful in the future. Always check the ventilation when working with toxic chemicals.” In haste, she turned to leave.
“But, Doctor…”
Var pressed his fingers into my shoulders. Using his best American husband from the 1950s voice, he said, “Now, darling, I’m sure the doctor is very busy and needs to get back to her other patients.”
Last night I would have given anything to get out of this hospital.
Now I would toss myself out of this bed face first and risk a broken nose just to stay.
The hospital room door closed behind the doctor.
There was an odd, muted silence in the room. As if the tension between us had even blocked out the usual sound of shuffling feet, machines beeping, and intercom announcements from the hall.
Var kissed the top of my head as he leaned over me. “Time to get you out of here, baby.”
I remained curled up in bed, holding the blanket around me like a very flimsy shield as I listened to the swish and whoosh sounds of him pulling on his jeans and tossing his shirt on.
As he sat to put his boots back on, he looked me over. “Vivian?”
I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Yeah, um. You can go. I’ll be fine.”
He raised an eyebrow, then laughed. “Nice try. Get out of that bed.”