Page 115 of Sweet Animosity
Still no plan.
Opening the large professional makeup case, I spread the trays wide and selected a cream stick foundation and my concealer. As I applied my makeup, I continued to run through the different scenarios in my head.
After selecting my favorite Lancôme pencil liner, I leaned forward and carefully ran it along my eye’s waterline. I then selected a matching Lancôme black eyeliner and traced my eye, making the usual thin line wider with more drama.
Brushing some translucent powder under my eyes to help get rid of any traces of eyeshadow, I added a bit more bronzer to under my cheekbones. Then a brighter pink blush with some iridescent flakes to the top of my cheeks to counteract the slightly pale and sallow look my skin had taken after my health scare.
Still no plan.
I lined my lips with crimson, then kissed a tissue and touched up the lip liner. Then, selecting my favorite Chanel color, I filled my lips in with a matte, classic red.
Taking out the rollers, I fluffed my hair and studied my reflection.
I looked more beautiful than the bastard deserved, considering the circumstances.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.
I pulled the robe up more securely over my shoulders. “Yes?”
It never even crossed my mind it might be Var.
That man didn’t know how to knock.
A woman dressed all in black with the Four Monks gold insignia on her blouse entered, carrying an ornate silver tray. She placed it on the bathroom counter to my right.
“Var thought you might like some coffee.”
Hiding my annoyance at not only his thoughtfulness, but insight, since that was precisely what I wanted at that moment, I nodded. “Yes, thank you. That would be lovely.”
If it had been Var, I would have tossed the tray, but I would never impose on a staff member with such antics.
She smiled. “I’ll pour.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
She lifted the heavy silver urn, and the bathroom filled with the enticing aroma of a dark French roast as she poured the coffee into a delicate porcelain cup with a gold rim and the gold Four Monks logo.
She lifted the cream pitcher.
I nodded again. “Just a dollop.”
She then lifted the lid off the sugar caddy. Inside were cute little sugar cubes. It was a silly thing, but seeing the cubes and not packets made this all seem even more luxurious than it already was.
Damn the man.
I could definitely get used to this kind of life.
She lifted the cup by the saucer and handed it to me with an expectant look.
Knowing what was expected of me, I took a sip and smiled, showing her my pleasure.
“I’ll leave the tray and come to collect it later.” Then, with a quick curtsey… a freaking curtsey… she turned to leave.
With a gasp, she turned back to me and reached into her long, black apron pocket. “How terrible of me! I can’t believe I almost forgot!”
She pulled out a red and gold Cartier jewelry box and set it on the marble counter next to me and left.