Page 118 of Sweet Animosity
Without thinking it through, I lunged for the gun.
Tearing it out of its holster, I pointed it at Var.
Var stared straight at me, not even bothering to look at the gun. “You never disappoint, Vivian.”
With my arms stretched out before me, I steadied the heavy weight of it with both hands. “This is not a joke.” I gestured behind him. “Move aside so I can get in the elevator.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Not a chance.”
I shook the gun. “I’m serious, Var.”
“So am I.”
“What’s going on?”
My arm swung in an arch as I pivoted to face the new threat.
Two men strolled casually down the hallway toward us. I recognized them from the scene of Abakar’s murder and from my Google search. They were Var’s partners, Mac and Anton.
Anton pointed to the gun I was holding. “I didn’t know your wedding had a Western theme.”
Mac shook his head. “I think it needs to be a shotgun.”
Anton pointed at him and nodded. “You’re right. Although usually it’s because the bride wants to get married.”
Mac moved to Var and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Friend, your blushing bride doesn’t seem too eager to marry you.”
Var ignored his taunt, keeping his sharp gaze trained on me. “Her opinion on the matter is of no consequence.”
I threw my arm wide before remembering that I was holding the damn gun and once more held it with both hands trained on him. “No consequence? Are you serious? I don’t know how they do things in Russia, but here in America, you need the bride’s permission to marry her.”
Mac raised a finger. “Fun fact. We have this glorious tradition where we kidnap the bride after bribing her family in Russia.”
The corner of Var’s mouth lifted. “Not the time, friend.”
Anton placed a hand in his suit pants pocket as he leaned a shoulder against the nearby wall. “Perhaps Var has not fully explained the situation to you. I know you recognize us from the warehouse.”
I knew what they were doing.
The crossed arms.
Leaning against the wall.
The casual teasing.
They were trying to lull me into a false sense of calm, to unnerve and confuse me.
“I’ve already told Var I won’t go to the police with what I know.”
He slowly shook his head. “Not good enough. If it weren’t for Var’s intervention, you’d be rotting under the waters of Lake Michigan instead of standing here in a beautiful wedding gown.”
At his shocking admission, my gaze shot back to Var.
He remained silent, staring at me with a clenched jaw.