Page 18 of Sweet Animosity
Then his gruff voice called through the heavy oak, “Vivian. Open up.”
I bit my lip as my head swiveled from right to left, looking for a weapon. Somehow, I didn’t think my trusty pink knife would cut it this time.
He knocked again. “Vivian. I’m losing patience.”
The vase! I lunged for the side table and picked up the porcelain vase I’d gotten at TJ Maxx. Dumping out the bouquet of dried pink roses, I held it over my shoulder. “Go away! I’m calling the police.”
“That will be difficult through a cellphone jammer.”
A few measured steps brought me back into the open kitchen. I flipped my phone upright on the counter and pressed a few buttons. No service.
Dammit, why hadn’t I pulled the chain across? Now I was too scared to go near it.
I listened.
There was nothing but the rapid pounding of my heart in my ears.
The doorknob rattled again.
“If you don’t leave, I’ll scream.”
“Why would you want to put all the nice people in the building in danger like that?”
Oh, shit. I’d seen enough death for a lifetime tonight.
I had no choice but to hope the heavy door and old lock held. “I told you I don’t know anything. Please, just leave!”
Again there was a long stretch of silence.
Then my doorknob turned as the deadbolt gave with a click.
The door slowly opened.
The Russian stepped inside, carrying a black duffel bag slung over his shoulder as he tucked what looked like two pairs of silver tweezers into a leather case and zipped it shut.
The bastard had picked the lock!
Tossing the duffel bag and lock pick set on the counter, he grinned as he kicked the door shut behind him. “Now, why would I do that, Vivian, when we have so much to talk about? Starting with how you were a very bad girl for running away from me tonight.”
With a cry, I threw the vase at his head.
Anormal man would have ducked.
Not the Russian.
He lifted his forearm to deflect the vase. Smashing it.
His heavy boots crunched over the shards of porcelain, turning them into dust, as he approached. “I’m warning you, Vivian. You’ve already inconvenienced me this evening. I wouldn’t recommend angering me any further.”
I backed up deeper into my apartment, placing the sofa between us. “How did you find me?”
The corner of his mouth lifted in a sinister grin. “You’d be surprised how much information money can buy. I have your college transcript, your lease, your bank accounts. Hell, I even have your medical records.”
My hand gripped the hem of the white T-shirt I was wearing, yanking it over my bare thighs as a chill crept up my spine.