Page 49 of Sweet Animosity
The issues with the latest ones were that they were not only done too well, but there were also too many of them.
If any more surprise-find masterpieces miraculously turned up after being tucked in the back of a fictitious grandmother’s attic for decades, the entire scheme could collapse from too much scrutiny.
And I heard from Serg that we weren’t the only ones who’d noticed the issue.
There were several other high-profile mafia organizations in China, South America, and Eastern Europe who’d started asking questions.
It was only a matter of time before their inquiries led them to Chicago, which would only lead to even more scrutiny. Members of the mafia were not exactly subtle. If they started rolling into town, the US Feds would start asking some tough questions. Questions our usual bribes would not cover.
I wiped the sweat out of my eyes. “I need a drink.”
After changing into white robes in the men’s lounge, we slipped on slides and headed upstairs to the restaurant. Sitting in the back where it was decorated to resemble a train car, complete with small windows with curtains and a scrolling video of the Russian countryside, we ordered a bottle of vodka and several trays of caviar.
After Anton poured the shots, we each raised our glass. “Za nashu druzhbu!”
Vaska shook his head. “You are all wasting your money on this expensive shit.”
Shaking my head, I reached for a crepe. Vaska’s infamous taste in vodka was legendary.
Placing a small dollop of sour cream and crumbled hard-boiled egg on the crepe, I folded it, topped it with caviar, and ate it in one bite.
Anton placed some diced pickle on his. “Explain no and no.”
“Vivian hasn’t told me much, but that doesn’t mean she knows nothing. Now that we know the Southside gang will not be a nuisance, I’ve decided to keep her close so I can learn more.”
Maxim picked up the shell spoon and scooped caviar onto a crepe. “There are faster ways to get information.”
I caught the inference.
Although there was no way any of us would condone killing a woman, that didn’t preclude certain extreme scare tactics.
“She’ll talk. Soon.”
He then poured us all another round of vodka shots. “And if she doesn’t?”
Without waiting for them to toast, I swallowed mine back. Slamming the glass on the table, I curled my fist around it. “I’ll handle it.”
“A difficult decision might have to be made here.”
“I said I’ll handle it.”
Anton raised his palms and leaned back.
The table went silent.
I met each of their gazes as I tapped the table with my forefinger. “I want to make it very clear. No one touches her. Understood? You have my personal guarantee she will not cause us any more problems. I’ve hired her as my assistant. I’ll be able to keep a close watch on her.”
Vaska’s eyebrows rose. “You hired an assistant? I don’t believe it.”
Maxim winked. “Well, this one does have fringe benefits.”
“Enough,” I said with more force than I’d intended.
Several heads in the restaurant swirled in our direction.
My friends and partners exchanged looks.
Anton’s lips rose in the corner. “So, it’s like that?”