Page 59 of Sweet Animosity
I knew what that meant in mafia-speak.
After rushing home, I stopped short of my apartment door.
There was music playing.
I didn’t leave any music on.
My hand shook as I carefully tested the doorknob. Locked.
My hand continued to shake so badly that I dropped my keys on the floor.
I stopped to listen.
Would the metal clang make the music stop?
Knowing I couldn’t exactly call the cops and tell them I’m scared of my stereo, I picked up my keys and entered.
Nothing looked disturbed.
The song playing had a pleasant, lilting harmony that was vaguely familiar.
As I carefully searched in each room, under the sofa, and behind the shower curtain, I continued to listen.
The same song played repeatedly.
Then it clicked. It was the Mona Lisa song. The one sung by Nat King Cole, except this version was in a foreign language.
It was in Russian.
With my hand curled into a fist, I slammed it against the stereo button, turning it off.
Opening the fridge, I reached for the bottle of wine from a few nights earlier. Twisting off the cap, I drank straight from it.
As I leaned against my kitchen counter, I considered the options.
Either this was the mysterious Russian retrieval specialist sending me a message that he was watching and impatiently waiting.
It was Var fucking with me.
He had been out of the office for close to two hours today.
While I thought it was giving me time to search his office, what if he had been here in my apartment doing the same thing at the same time?
At that thought, I turned and rummaged through my new Gucci purse. Once I found my keys, I examined them for any signs of… well, I wasn’t really sure what the signs were for copying a key.
Clay from a secret key mold like in the movies?
Oil from the hardware machine that copies keys?