Page 63 of Sweet Animosity
I turned my head. “Yes, krasivaya. How can I help you now?”
She leaned her chin against my upper arm. “Can you promise not to tell Var about this? I have this weird feeling he’d be super pissed,” she said as she threw her head back and laughed.
My baby was high as a kite.
I cupped her jaw as I leaned my forehead against her. “You’d be right, baby. He would be furious at you putting yourself in danger like this,” I responded, playing along.
She put her finger to her gorgeous matte red lips. “Then shhhh. It will be our little secret.” She then gave me an exaggerated wink.
Fuck, she was adorable.
It was hard to stay pissed at her. And until a few moments ago, I was very irrationally angry with her. The fact that I had absolutely no right to be annoyed, let alone angry at her being at a club with friends, did nothing to assuage my rising rage when I pinged her phone at the new club in Fulton Market.
She was too beautiful, too tempting, too fucking sexy to walk into a place like this without drawing male attention.
Even as a child, I’d refused to share my toys.
And I had no intention of starting now.
Vivian was mine.
Her body, her smart mouth, her gorgeous smile, the mischievous glint in her emerald eyes—it was all mine. I planned to jealously guard every bit. If I had my way, no other man would even get treated to the sound of her voice, let alone the pleasure of her company.
Already having lost interest in the idiot, I leaned over and elbowed him in the jaw, knocking him out.
With my arm around her waist, I pulled Vivian toward the private door where I had entered. “We’re leaving.”
She dug in her heels. “I can’t!”
I pulled her against my side as I wrapped my hand around the side of her neck. “Don’t try my patience on this, Viv.”
Her face lit up with a dazzling smile. The crimson on her lips made her skin look like sweet cream. “Awwwww… you just called me Viv. We’re nickname buddies. You’re Var and I’m Viv.” She then giggled. “Oh, my God, that makes us sound like a cheesy couple who goes on bowling dates. Viv and Var.”
Apparently, she had at least realized I was physically here right now, if her brain hadn’t quite caught up to the ramifications of that fact.
“I’m getting you out of here.”
Her eyes widened. “I can’t. Michelle and Stacey are here. I can’t just leave them.”
My head swiveled to search the crowd. “Point them out to me.”
She grabbed my hand. “I’ll introduce you.”
After weaving through the crowd for a few minutes, we approached two attractive women, who were both about late-twenties like Vivian.
“Girls! Girls!” shouted Vivian over the music as she gestured with her thumb to me. “This is the guy I didn’t tell you about because he’s this super scary Russian Mafia dude.”
Several heads turned.
“Girl, where have you been hiding him?”
“How did you two meet?”
“Does he have a friend?”
Vivian giggled again. “Holy crap, you girls should see this man’s magic penis. It’s huge. Like huuuuggge. And oh, my God, the things he can do with his tongue.”
Magic penis?