Page 76 of Sweet Animosity
As I stood still, he used another towel to squeeze the excess water out of my hair.
Part of me wanted to stamp my foot and tear the towel apart with my teeth as I threw a right proper temper tantrum like a child. The other part of me just wanted to be sheltered in his arms, as he cared for me.
He tossed the hair towel aside. “Come. I’m sure you’re tired.”
Clutching my towel to my breasts, I pushed my luck as I turned my back on him and exited the shower. “Yes, it’s been a long night. I should get home.”
Without warning, he swept me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom. “You really are adorable.”
With me still in his embrace, he leaned down and flipped the covers back before tossing me in the center of the bed.
I leaned up on my elbows. “Would there be any point in arguing that I want to go home?”
He turned out the light and joined me in the bed. “None whatsoever.”
His arm wrapped around my middle and pulled me against his chest.
I laid there for a moment. “This discussion isn’t over, Var.”
His sigh ruffled my still damp hair. “I know, Vivian.”
“I’m staying here because it’s late and my clothes are sticky. This doesn’t mean you’re my boyfriend or anything.”
His arm tightened around my waist. “Good, because the last thing I want to be is your boyfriend.”
I started.
Well, what the hell did that mean?
Ignoring the fact that he had actually agreed with me, I huffed. “I’ll have you know I’m great girlfriend material.”
His chuckle vibrated in his chest. “Don’t fool yourself, baby girl. You’re terrible girlfriend material.”
I leaned over and turned on the nightstand light before looking down at him. “Excuse me?”
With lightning speed, his arm snaked out and pulled me underneath him. “You’re an admitted wannabe thief. An art forger. A troublemaker by continually putting yourself in dangerous positions I’m forced to rescue you from?—”
I gasped. “Rescue me? I’ll have you?—”
His glare stopped me. “You don’t listen. You’re difficult. You’re argumentative. And you lie, both to me and yourself. And you’re a pain in my ass. What man in his right mind would want you as a girlfriend?”
My mouth opened and closed several times as I took in all the incredibly insulting, if not completely true, things he’d said. “Well, if I’m such a pain in your ass, why am I in your bed right now?”
“Because I also happen to find you adorable, funny, intelligent, and entertaining as fuck. It doesn’t hurt that I love your filthy mouth and your body, which I swear came straight from hell to tempt us mere mortal men.”
I turned back on my side, away from him. “Fuck you too, you—wait. What?” My torso twisted as I turned my head over my shoulder to look at him.
Well, damn. I hadn’t expected him to turn things around so smoothly.
My gaze narrowed as I flopped forward, turning my back on him again. I punched my pillow as I huffed. “Well, in case you’re wondering, I think you’d make a terrible boyfriend. You’re controlling and demanding and bossy and domineering and a pain in my ass!” Each word was punctuated by an uppercut to my down pillow.
Before he could respond, I reached over and turned off the light, then curled on my side. “Goodnight,” I grumbled.
Once again, he pulled me close to his body before whispering in my ear, “Goodnight, beautiful girl.”
He was right.