Page 19 of The Alpha's Bullied Pregnant Mate
The former Luna opened her mouth to speak but stopped. Isla saw her eyes widen as she looked at something before her with an expression of dread. Fannar noticed as well and turned to face the door behind him.
Isla watched everyone with confusion and was the last person to turn around. When she did, she saw a beautiful, tall woman with silver-blonde hair standing by the door. She looked vaguely familiar, and Isla had an pleasant feeling in her stomach as she watched the woman.
“Mother! You started dinner without me!” the newcomer said petulantly
The matron jumped to her feet suddenly. “Oh, dear! Carla! It’s you! Of course, it’s you.”
Fannar watched Carla and then his mother. “Mom, what’s going on here? What’s this about?”
The former Luna chuckled nervously. “Well, Fannar, you remember Carla, right? You were supposed to meet her after your public address. Well, we already had plans to have dinner with her tonight. That was before I found out about my trip.”
Fannar frowned. “I don’t see why this is a problem, mom. You called to cancel with Cathy here, right?
She rubbed her forehead. “I thought I did. Turns out I forgot. You must forgive an old woman, my boy.” She turned to Carla, whose face had been turning a steady red by the second. “Carla, darling. This is all a big mix up, and I can explain.
“You see, Fannar has had a girlfriend this whole time. One he kept secret from me, I assure you. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to cancel the plans we had already made prior.”
Carla stepped into the dining room. “Fannar? I don’t believe it, mother. If he did, I would have known about it. Everyone knows that Alpha Fannar is currently single.”
The matron shook her head. “So I thought, my dear. Alas, I was wrong.” She gestured at a quiet Isla. “This is Isla Moon, Fannar’s girlfriend and partner. We were just getting to know a little bit more about her.”
Carla turned to face Isla, as if only just seeing her for the fist time since she entered the dining room. She squinted at Isla and then broke out into a mocking laugh that rocked her so hard she had to balance herself on the back of one of the plush, sturdy chairs. “Her?”
Fannar’s mother frowned and took her seat. “Now, Carla, that’s not very appropriate or very lady like of you. Explain yourself and your reaction this instant. What do you mean her?”
Carla managed to control herself. “I’m sorry, mother. I apologize. I was just caught a little off guard, that’s all. Please forgive me. It’s just I know this woman, and she was the last person I expected to find here.”
Isla recognized the woman now. She was one of those assholes who made her life hell in town. She owned a fancy truck like Fannar, and Isla always assumed she came from one of the wealthier families. She smiled at Carla and waved at her.
Fannar’s confusion was glaring. “What the hell is going on here? Carla, what do you mean? Do you know Isla? Quit playing games, dammit.”
Carla shrugs. “I don’t really know her. She’s just the town outcast. Remember what you called her in high school? The runt of the litter? Well, that’s how she’s seen around here. Wait… Is she really your girlfriend?” Carla laughed again.
Fannar’s face darkened. “Bullshit. I never called her that.” He turned to look at Isla and saw the truth of things in her eyes. He paled immediately and asked her quietly. “Did I?”
Isla faced the plate in front of her, moving things distractedly around. She didn’t want them to see how hurt and embarrassed she was. It was one thing to be called names from afar. This attack was too personal. She felt tears brimming behind her eyes and fought them hard.
They weren’t going to see her cry. Carla would not know just how much she had broken her. She couldn’t let Fannar see just how badly he had messed with her life. But, boy, did it hurt.
Carla dragged a chair and sat down. “I mean, look at her. She’s a loser. She never fights back, always cowers in the shadow. She’s no wolf. She’s just a scared little girl. Everyone knows this, mother. Fannar here was the first to do something about it, though. He knew it too. Imagine my surprise to hear that they are together!”
Carla would not stop talking. Isla tried to ignore the barbs but they tore at her, ripping through her flesh and leaving bloody wounds in their wake. Fannar was quiet as well through the barrage, to Isla’s despair and disappointment.
She’d heard enough. She got suddenly to her feet, startling Carla shut. Isla looked at her with red eyes and hated the satisfaction she saw in the woman’s face. She turned to face the former Luna. “Thank you for having me over for dinner, Mrs. Agdluak, Jon, Anna. Unfortunately, I must take my leave now. I look forward to seeing you again.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, my dear,” Fannar’s mother said. “I do look forward to seeing you again. We have much to discuss, my dear. Much to discuss.”
Isla nodded and turned to leave. Fannar got up as well and had the decency to look ashamed. Isla was disgusted by his presence, but she didn’t have the words to describe how she felt. All she wanted to do was get home and cry herself to sleep.
She walked past Carla without a word, ignoring the vile woman’s halfhearted goodbye. She hated her. What’s more, she hated Fannar more for the part he played in what the town had turned her into. She didn’t want to think of any of that now. She just wanted to go home.
Chapter 8 - Fannar
There was a storm raging in Fannar’s mind. Everything was happening too fast for him to respond, and all he ended up doing was watching in silence like an imbecile while Carla ripped through Isla like a hot knife through butter.
He could feel Isla’s pain from where he sat, each word cutting him sharply as if it was intended for him. He wanted to bring it to an end, but he was completely paralyzed. Even his mother had seemed too shocked to respond. She kept looking at him to do something, but the weight of his guilt was too heavy for him to have a reaction.
He blamed his mother. He had begged her to quit with the blind dates a thousand times. Sooner or later someone was bound to get hurt. Unfortunately, innocent Isla was the one who took a beating, due to no fault of hers.