Page 4 of Passion in Store
“Yes! She screamed, and I’m not surprised—hot coffee and all.”
There's that cute pinkness creeping up her cheeks again. I feel for her though, as she continues, “It made a terrible mess, ruined her outfit completely. I got all her details and said I’d pay for the cleaning. It was a designer gym suit, very fancy. Do people really work out in stuff like that?”
“Oh yeah, there are some amazing looks out there. Super fit girls look incredible in all that stuff.” Too late, I see her brow crease with disappointment. I hastily add, “If you happen to like the look of super fit people.” I realize I'm digging myself a hole but keep trying to make it better. “That is, not everyone finds super fit people attractive, don't worry.” There. Hopefully I’ve cleared myself, as I wouldn’t want this delicious creature to compare herself to the likes of uppity Grace. Half of Grace’s body is surgically enhanced. I much prefer natural beauty, like Minnie’s.
Chapter 4
Typical. I've fallen for an unattainable man again. Looks like Connor is wrapped up in gym junkies, the likes of Grace. My hopes had soared when I felt I was picking up some sparks from him. I’d started to get that feeling. That feeling when someone laughs at your jokes all the time; when you feel comfortable so quickly; when it feels as if you’ve known them for ages; when you catch them looking at you and they quickly look away… When you feel that stirring in your lady bits and you can’t help yourself from looking at the bulge in their shorts.
That was all before he reminded me that he looks at great bodies for a living and spends his free time at the beach in next-to-no-clothing at his voluntary job as a lifeguard. After he made that comment about super fit people, our fun vibe took a frosty turn, and he didn't ask me out. Growing up in a big family with two brothers and two sisters who were all fiercely competitive and successful, I don’t think I’m ever going to get beyond those feelings of not being good enough.
No hard feelings, Connor. We can still be friends. Besides, I've come to Masford to start my new future, and it doesn't depend on a man. Grumpy old Jimmy isn't helping much either, though. One minute he’s demanding, the next he’s distracted. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get his attention long enough to show him my ideas, and I really wanted to work somewhere I could make a contribution to the business.
After my crazy first day at the café, I get into a rhythm. I now know it’s going to be hard to make suggestions with the food, so I start off by doing little extra things to make Jimmy like me and think of me as a trusted employee. Hopefully I can warm him up a bit.
Then, when things are going well at work, maybe I’ll have more time for my social life. I’m going to get my body ready just in case. Taking advantage of the trial membership at Roasters Gym is the first step, so I go there every day after work. Improving my fitness is going to help me mentally as much as anything else. So I get into the habit of going into the Roasters' “Ladies’ Room,” no men allowed. It’s quiet in there, with plenty of equipment that is clean—thoroughly wiped down after each use by nicely mannered females. That’s where I met Tor. I see her almost every afternoon. She’s an absolute inspiration.
Today I’m a bit late, so we start separately. I’m still on the treadmill when she hops off the bike and comes over to me with a big smile. She’s not even puffing.
“Did you get the hang of the seated row machine yesterday?” she asks. I know she’s in the middle of a cardio circuit which she does every other day in the afternoons, alternating with her morning workouts. There’s a concerned look on her classically beautiful face as she adjusts her long blonde ponytail.
“Thanks so much, Tor. Yes, after you showed me how to move that setting control lever, it’s much more comfortable.” I’m walking while I talk to her, the treadmill making its white noise in the background, thumping softly with my footfalls.
“Oh good!” Tor nods and moves into a leg stretch. “Yolanda gets a bit distracted sometimes and forgets that each machine needs to be set up for the different height of the user.”
Being taller than most girls, I’m sure Tor has to adjust the machines a lot in here. She’s got an amazing build. She could be a pole vaulter. Those long limbs and slim, defined muscles look incredible. She’s super strong too—I’ve seen her doing her strength workout with an impressive bunch of weights on each end of the bar in every position.
“Have to say,” I admit, “Yolanda is lovely, but I agree.” I don’t want to be rude about Yolanda, just in case they are friends, but I’m reassured when Tor has a big laugh, throwing her head back.
“Don’t worry, I’m pretty much always around to help you if you need it,” she says. “I’m so happy you joined up. Sometimes it’s too quiet in here. I think a lot of ladies come in the daytime.”
She hops up on the treadmill next to me and starts jogging.
“There are groups who come to the café for lunch after their workout. I see them a lot,” I say in agreeance, increasing the speed button so that I’m jogging beside her.
“Maybe they are coming off night shifts—there’s one in our factory.”
“Yeah, maybe. But there are a lot of moms and ‘ladies who lunch’ as well. All types.”
“Lunch. Wouldn’t that be nice?” We laugh together and then she adds, “Well, we could do that too! Do you want to go to Roasters Café on Saturday after our workout?”
I’m so excited to spend time with her that I almost lose my footing. “Sure, I’d love to, thanks so much,” I reply with a smile. Then, we both pick up the pace so that we are running too hard to talk. Now I can’t wait till Saturday.
When the day comes we grab a table first and put down our bags, and as we line up to place our orders, Tor comments, “Wow, it’s busy! Paige is hardly doing anything. She looks like she’s in slow-mo.”
I look around to see who else is rostered. “I know, and it looks like she’s on her own. Jimmy’s not here, again.”
“He doesn’t care one bit. I’ve been watching him over the last couple of months. They are going to lose customers for sure.” As we wait patiently, Tor shakes out her long hair, which is wet from our post-gym showers.
“I’m going to grab an apron and help Paige. This line is hardly moving,” I say to Tor. “I know that’s what Connor would do.” I move towards the kitchen, clearing some plates as I go, starting up the dishwasher.
By the time I clean the benches and get some of the drinks out, Paige has made up time. Tor places our orders, and we head back to the table. “You’re too kind,” Tor says to me. “Connor’s always donating his time as well. He’d be much better off working on his PT business than supporting Jimmy, that lucky man.” Tor pauses to consider something. “Actually, Paige really needs training, that’s what she needs. She lacks technique and confidence, not to mention work ethic. She’s got to dial it up a notch.”
The food takes a while, which gives Tor and me a good chance to talk. I find out that she’s a chef in a sauce factory and loves food like me, so the conversation flows. I tell her my ideas for the café and have a good time venting about Jimmy. Turns out she knows Connor really well. He’s been her PT for six months. Oh-so-casually, I get all the details I can about him to feed my growing crush. But the best thing about our lunch date is that Tor and I make a firm plan to meet for workouts. We even schedule some runs along the beach.