Page 4 of Make Me Want it Too
So now I am here, at Bex and Jake’s new place, alone, determined to have fun. The apartment is packed wall-to-wall with groups of twenty-somethings mingling and laughing and drinking. The music is loud.
I’ve been here one other time, when I came with Bex to see it before they put in their application. They haven’t even moved in yet, so the place is still empty of all furniture.
It’s a one bedroom, one bath without a ton of square footage, but that’s what you get when you’re in the heart of downtown Seattle. The main living space is open, at least, and the tall windows and small balcony with views out to the city make it feel larger.
It’s ten o’clock on a Friday night and I’m at a house party, almost mingling with people. See, I’m fun. It is very people-y, though.
A bunch of people I don’t know. There are a few whose faces are familiar. I’ve seen them around circles, co-workers of Bex’s from the bar, but none I feel comfortable striking up a conversation with. I don’t even remember their names.
Then, there’s a “Woo!” from someone I recognize. It’s Wood. Of course, he’s got girls hanging off his arms and is filling red cups with beer between overflowing shot glasses with liquor.
I squint at the liquor bottle. It’s Patron.
That tequila is a hundred bucks a bottle and half of it is splashed on the counter.
I cross my arms. Rich kids.
I mean, Spencer is a rich kid, too. Spencer and Wood went to the same prep school. They even went to the same university and pledged the same fraternity—both encouraged by their legacy fathers, I’m sure.
So many similarities, but also so different.
Spencer worked hard, became a surgeon. I don’t even know what Wood does all day. He doesn’t have a job as far as I can tell. Almost twenty-seven, and he’s still reliving his frat years, going out every week, drinking, partying, sleeping around.
At least he’s nice, though. He makes it impossible for you to dislike him, which is kind of annoying.
Wood turns and I see Noah behind him, sitting in the back corner against the wall, half in shadow with a drink, covered in tattoos from his throat to his fingers. Basically, everywhere but his face, which is usually sporting a mean scowl. I think the only reason he’s not scowling is because Livvy is sitting on his lap.
Bex’s little sister is so smart and sweet, her being with a guy who looks like a tattooed demon is jarring. Unexpected. But it’s none of my business. Besides, if he messes up he’ll have to answer to Bex. I don’t envy him being in that position at all.
It only takes a second to spot my best friend. Bex is in the middle of the room—obviously. It’s her party, and she’s never been the type to shy away from being the center of attention.
She’s next to Spencer’s brother, Jake, his arm around her while she waves her drink around and laughs before she spots me.
“Mace! Oh my god, I didn’t think you were going to make it!” She runs over to me with her arms out and squeezes me.
“I told you I was coming.”
“Come on, come on. We were just about to make the announcement!” She pulls me into the living room, which draws everyone’s attention to me. Including Wood’s.
He looks over his shoulder from where he’s talking in a group of people—mostly female admirers—and his face lights up in a big smile when he sees me. One that starts off lopsided then spreads to show off all his straight, white teeth and two matching dimples.
Yet another annoying thing about him—how handsome he is. Annoying because he knows exactly how handsome he is. Annoying because he uses it—amongst other things—to cruise through life and get whatever he wants.
And now he’s walking over here, because of course he is. All six-foot of him. Blond and blue-eyed in dark jeans and a white T-shirt that shows off his tanned biceps.
So annoying.
“Girl! I didn’t know you were coming. Get in here.” He opens his arm and moves in for a side hug. He normally sticks with high fives but the scent of tequila on his breath is strong, his inhibitions out the window.
“Wood,” I say with a tight-lipped smile.
He puts his arm around my shoulder, and I pat his back a couple times. Is that weird? Should I have not patted at all? Should I keep patting?
Wood squeezes my shoulder with a warm hand before stepping back.