Page 5 of Cocky Professor
He didn't flinch.
"I didn't ask anyone else," he said. "I want you to do it."
That took me by surprise, but I kept it contained.
"Why me?" I asked. "Am I the only member you know?"
He chuckled. "Not at all. My father is a member. He'd sponsor me if I asked him to."
"Then why not ask him?" I pushed myself up off my chair and walked around to sit on the front of my desk.
"Because that's too easy," he said. "I don't want to get in because of who I'm related to. I want to get in because I'm worthy. Because I don't want anyone pointing fingers at me and saying I'm only there because I'm Charles Norris' son."
I totally understood that. I hadn't wanted to walk in my father's shadow either. For so many reasons. Including the fact he was dead after screwing over people more powerful than us. That ultimately wouldn't have reflected well on me.
My father was a fucking idiot, as far as I was concerned. He could have been powerful and influential, but he overreached. To the detriment of me and my three siblings. They'd all bounced back and found their places in the world, but me… I was still working on that.
"I'll think about it," I said.
Arms still crossed, Ryker raised his hands. "Why? You know I'm exactly the kind of man the Brotherhood is looking for." He was clearly pissed off and getting frustrated, but keeping it contained for now. There was no benefit to him in losing his temper with me. Not when it came to this. Or anything else for that matter. I had enough influence to remind people to keep themselves in their place.
I shrugged. "You might be."
"Then why hesitate?" he asked.
I looked him right in the eyes and spoke coldly. "Because patience is a fucking virtue, and it seems like you need to learn it. Maybe then, we'll talk."
He closed his eyes, looking furious for a few moments before opening them and nodding. "Fine. I can be patient. Whatever it takes." He brushed his hair back again, this time with a curt gesture.
"I thought you'd see it that way," I said. "But if you don't, you can always go and ask your father."
I watched his expression carefully, curious about his response. As I expected, he squared his jaw and lifted his chin. He wanted this sponsorship, but not at the expense of asking his father for it. Not if it meant he had to back down from that decision. He was absolutely determined to be his own man.
I was right, he did have balls.
After a few moments, his posture relaxed and he smiled. "I get it, you're not going to make it easy for me. I guess you shouldn't. If the Brotherhood was easy to get into, what would be the value in it? Anyone and everyone would join. They might even start letting in…" He paused for effect. "Women." His expression was one of mock horror.
I snorted. "The Brotherhood has existed for a couple of hundred years, they're not going to start letting women in now."
How did I feel about that? Honestly, it was irrelevant. It was a policy the Brotherhood would change over the dead bodies of all its members.
"Not unless they're fillies," he agreed. He looked ready to rub his hands together at the thought.
The only way women could with the Brotherhood in any capacity, was to offer themselves to the members, for their pleasure and amusement. In return, they could expect to marry incredibly well, if they caught a member's eye.
Considering the amount of power the Brotherhood wielded, plenty of women thought that was a good opportunity. Some of them could end up married to world leaders, or even literal kings. To the brothers, they were little more than warm pussies and willing mouths.
I enjoyed my share of them, when the opportunity arose. Women whose faces I couldn't remember, much less their names. I didn't care who they were, as long as they were willing.
"If that's the only reason you want to join," I said, "there are plenty of undergrads and postgrads here at Brutham. Fellow teachers too."
"Are you offering?" Ryker grinned.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Fuck no. I don't care who does what with whom, but I'm only into women." If I wasn't, I wouldn't be into someone like him. I wouldn't turn my back on him, literally or figuratively.
"Shame," he said. "I'm told I'm a pretty good fuck."
I smirked."Did you tell yourself that?"