Page 31 of Beautiful Unity
I ignored it, taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking on it until she squirmed. I let go and took the other one, giving it the same treatment. I didn’t know what the other guys were doing, and right then, I didn’t care. They could watch or fuck off. This wasn’t for them. It was only for her.
My fingers traveled down her body, and I slowly pushed them inside her pussy. Despite taking two cocks, she gripped me tightly as I drew them in and out. She was wet and hot, making my dick jealous of my fingers as I slowly tortured her. Watching her pussy take my fingers was intoxicating, and I got lost in the action as she rode them.
When she had enough of my teasing, she broke my grip and grabbed my face in between her hands. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll gladly go to one of my other boyfriends, Madd. You might be a King, but don’t forget who owns you.”
Fucking hell. Bossy and sassy Darcie was my new favorite thing.
Smirking, I withdrew my fingers and sucked on them as she glared at me. She could pretend she would get up all day, but we both knew she needed me. Darcie craved having all of us, and if our assumptions were correct about how she spent her time with Brooks earlier, I was the last one. She wouldn’t be able to stop until she sank down on my cock and let me fill her up.
Her eyes narrowed, and I could see the argument brewing in her eyes. Smiling, I slapped my palm onto her ass, shutting her up before she could protest. She gasped at the sting, her eyes rolling back, before she moaned. I took the opportunity to toss her onto the bed and unbutton my jeans. My cock was happy to finally be free, his destination clear as I lined him up.
Darcie twisted the material of my shirt in her hands, clinging to me as I sunk in. Her legs were wrapped around my waist, her ankles crossed, bringing our bodies impossibly close. I leaned on my elbow to hold my weight and brushed her hair back with my free hand.
“I love you, Princess.”
“I love you, Maddox. Even if you do infuriate me at times.”
I smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Before she could respond, I snapped my hips forward. Now that my dick was inside her, it was tired of my games as well. No more slow. The fucker took control, dicking her down into the mattress so hard there was bound to be an imprint when we were done. Darcie moaned loudly, our bodies moving together in a rhythm they knew by heart.
Everything felt too good. Too warm. Too wet. Too tight. And all too soon, the familiar feeling of my orgasm raced up my spine. My balls drew up and tingled as euphoria overtook me. With one final thrust, I pinned her to the bed as I unloaded inside her. My head fell to the crook of her neck, my hot breaths fanning across her sensitive skin. Neither of us moved, our bodies trembling as we came down from the high.
Lifting my head, I searched her eyes to ensure she was okay. Love and strength shined brightly at me. It settled something inside me, that tiny piece that had feared this wouldn’t work. That eventually she’d choose. But that wasn’t Darcie. She loved big, and that meant all of us.
As Brooks carried her to the bathroom to help her shower, I knew the four of us would do anything to survive this. We had a queen to serve for the rest of our lives and were just getting started.
Which was something I had to remind myself when I checked my phone before bed and finally had a response.
Unknown: We need to talk.
Diary #10
Dear Mom,
I could really use some motherly advice. It’s days like today when I notice the lack of a female adult in my life. Being raised by MC men wasn’t without its challenges. They never appreciated my sense of style or love of shoes—something I’m sure you would have—and the day I got my period, well, let’s just say I wasn’t the only one in tears. But they taught me to be tough, to laugh at things, and to never define myself by a man.
I love who I’ve become, and these rough and tough men were part of that.
But I’ll be honest, big emotions are not my strong suit. Feeling this full of conflicting emotions is overwhelming. Do I ignore my sadness to deal with my anger? Or do I focus on the fear? The confusion?
Quite frankly, the only conflict resolution skills I have involve challenges or sex, and I’m not sure even my pussy can fix the cluster of emotions me and my men are currently feeling.
It’s so helpless not knowing how to solve something. With a clear solution in place, it’s easier to move forward. But when there’s not, how do you figure it out? I feel like confetti in the wind. Each time I soar, I scatter and float in the opposite direction I intended, only to be whipped back in another direction and tossed further from where I started.
How do people deal with this all the time? It’s suffocating.
I’m thankful I have my guys. They’re the constant bright spot and give me the space to figure things out. I want to be the same for them.
I’m hoping this is one of those things that comes with age. The more life I live, the easier it will get to know. I’d like to imagine that if you were here, you’d fix me a cup of tea, hug me tight, and give me sage advice while stroking my hair. Because I could really use it right now.
I don’t know what to do, and it’s important that I make the right decision.
Hopefully, the next time I write, I’ll have a better update.