Page 120 of Tell Me Lies
I watch her move through the crowded woods. Teenagers having their last hoorah before entering what they assume is adulthood are all over the fucking place. We have been partying up in these woods since we could get our hands on alcohol, but I have never seen her before.
Long hair as black as night and an ass that looks delectable in her skinny jeans. She is wearing a white blouse that is cut low enough to show off her ample cleavage. I’ve had my gaze glued to her for the better part of fifteen minutes, trying to see if she’s here with a guy or not.
“What are you looking at?” my best friend Ashe asks as he hands me the bottle of tequila we’ve been passing back and forth between us.
“Do you know who that is?” I ask him, tilting my head in her direction.
“No idea. She could be from one of the towns nearby. Does it really matter? You’re with Amber.”
Just hearing her name has me pissy all over again. I have an epic problem with authority, and being forced to do anything grates on my nerves. But Amber is something I have to do. When we start college we will officially be dating. It has all been planned out. Date for four years, get engaged, then married. And one day I will be king of the underworld, ruling both of our fathers’ empires.
“I’m not with Amber yet.”
“Well, then, you better go get her because the vultures are circling.” Ashe gestures in her direction.
Paul, the high school team quarterback, has one of her arms in a grip that she clearly doesn’t appreciate. I’m on my feet and barreling through everyone before I can even think about it. I plan on planting my fist squarely in his face but at the last moment, she whips her head around and catches my gaze.
The clearest baby-blue eyes stare at me, begging for my help. I don’t want to scare her, so instead, I wrap my arm around her body and pull her into my side, placing a kiss on top of her head.
“Sorry I’m late, babe.” I glare at Paul’s hand, and he quickly releases her.
“Matthias.” He nods in acknowledgment. “I didn’t know she was your girl.”
“Now you know. But it doesn’t matter whether she is or not. No means no, Paul.”
I’m livid beyond measure. I can feel her body shaking against my side. My hand tightens on her shoulder, and she burrows deeper into my hold.
“You can go now,” I seethe in Paul’s direction, but my gaze is firmly glued to the girl in my arms.
Leading her behind a tree, I remove my arm and step away, allowing her some space. “Are you okay?”
“Thanks to you.” She smiles shyly.
“Are you here alone?” I fucking really hope she says yes. I might lose my mind if there’s a man waiting for her somewhere and not looking after her. “Do you need help finding someone?”
“I was supposed to meet my friend, but she canceled last minute. I was already here so I figured why not?”
Her voice is soft and melodious. My cock is hard at the thought of hearing her say my name as I bury my cock as deep in her as I can go.
“There are worse things out here than Paul. You really shouldn’t be alone.” I take a step toward her, backing her against the base of the tree.
“Will I be safe with you?”
Her gaze takes in my face, noting everything. A smirk curls my lips as I tangle my fingers into her silky, dark tresses.
“Most definitely not.”
And then I do what I have been thinking of doing since I first laid eyes on her. I kiss her.
Kaelie Carter
His lips are firm but gentle. The kiss invades every one of my senses. The loud music and voices around us fade. I feel him everywhere, his hand twisting my hair, angling my head so he can kiss me better, deeper. His other hand is on my hip, holding me flush against his body, his erection pushing into my stomach.
A sound I swear to God I have never made falls from my lips.
“Shit.” He pulls away from me and for a reason I can’t explain I want to pull him back. “Sorry.”