Page 170 of Tell Me Lies
“None of your business.”
“People are going to miss me, you know. I have multiple jobs. And there’s a cat in the house that’ll starve.”
He raised an eyebrow, as if he didn’t believe her. “Your clients are going to be disappointed. I’m sure that used and worn cunt of yours is a-okay with giving it a break.”
His vitriol hung like poison in the air. She may not be the high-end prostitute he thought her to be, but he did have those thoughts about her sister, and she refused to give him any more ammunition. She may not like Rebecca’s choice of work, but she would defend her until her last breath.
“I hate you,” she whispered.
“Yeah? Good. You should hate Dan, too. He’s the reason you’re here.”
He flipped off the light and closed the door behind him, leaving her alone in the dark to plot how she was going to strangle Mr. Psycho.
Chapter Six
Reece pulled up his Alexa app and set a fire alarm sound for every half hour. The cylinder was in her bedroom, just out of reach. He turned the volume to the highest setting, making sure it would wake her throughout the night, denying her a decent night’s sleep.
Once that particular form of torture was set, he ran a hand through his hair, thinking about the cat she mentioned. He hadn’t seen one when he’d gone to collect her, but now the damn feline was on his mind. He was a fireman, for God’s sake. Rescuing cats was practically written into his DNA.
He grabbed his keys to make the long journey back to Rebecca’s house. He wasn’t worried about her escaping since he had the key to her shackle. During the drive to her house, he couldn’t get her out his head. She was gorgeous. Sure, he’d seen her picture, but the photo didn’t give her justice. The attraction he felt disturbed him because he refused to be one of those men led around by his dick. Nothing but trouble, and Dan was a prime example.
Still, he couldn’t tear his thoughts from her.
Twilight was settling when he pulled into her driveway. He walked around to the back deck and climbed the step, entering through the unlocked deck door. The same one he’d entered before. It must have slipped her mind to secure it. As soon as he walked into the dark house, a loud meow pierced the quiet. A black-and-white cat came running, meowing again.
“I bet you’re hungry, right?”
He bent to pet it before heading into the kitchen, looking into the pantry. A bag of cat food was on a shelf so he grabbed it and searched through the cabinets until he found a bowl. When he set it on the floor, the poor cat practically pounced on it.
While the cat fed, he decided to explore the house. The place was huge, but surprisingly bare. Rebecca didn’t seem like she’d live in a such a sterile home. Everything was in shades of white and grey. Expensive, but empty.
He climbed the stairs to the second floor and looked in rooms until he found the master. Which looked undisturbed. In one of the other rooms a neatly folded pile of clothes rested on a dresser.
Reece didn’t like this. Not one little bit. A sick feeling rolled through him and he turned to quickly start searching for snapshots or something to prove the woman in his cabin was exactly who he thought she was. Downstairs, in the living room on a shelf, he discovered a photo album and with dread pooling in his gut, he opened it.
There they were. Two identical little girls holding hands. He turned page after page, seeing the girls through the years growing up. It didn’t take long to see the difference between Marnie and Rebecca. While there was a softness in Marnie’s gaze, it was missing in her sister’s. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, not because he was horrified to realize his fucking mistake, but because she was so fucking beautiful.
A loud klaxon sounded through the room, scaring the hell of her. She sat up in terror, looking around for the location of the alarm. Hurrying to flip on the light, she saw Alexa in the corner of the room.
“Alexa, cancel!”
The alarm abruptly ended. She flopped back on the bed trying to slow her heartbeat. Thirty minutes later, the alarm went off again. Through the night, she jolted awake every time it sounded. It was impossible to get any sleep. She had thrown a pillow at Alexa but all it did was knock it over. Tears filled her eyes and buried her head into the other pillow, hoping it would dull the sound.
When morning arrived, a knock sounded on the door as early sunlight streamed in through the windows. Before she was able to say anything, her abductor entered and leaned against the threshold. The cat ran into the room and jumped onto the bed, purring so loud it filled the room.
“Oh, good,” she said with relief, a little delirious. “You got the cat.”
“I got the cat,” he agreed.
She rubbed her eyes. It felt like sand was behind her lids. “You programmed Alexa.”
“Yeah.” He sighed and ran a hand over his face. “I’m sorry about that.”
Marnie blinked, not sure if she heard him correctly. “Excuse me?”