Page 190 of Tell Me Lies
“First, I want to say this. I was an asshole to you in high school. I can’t say anything to go back and make it better but what I can say is I’m sorry for being a dick to you. I’m sorry for the shitty years I put you through.”
She said nothing, so he tried again.
“I’m so sorry, Violet.”
“I heard you,” she said, not that he deserved her acknowledgment. But he’d find a way to make it up to her.
“Second, you’re twenty-one-years-old.” Not a question, a statement.
“Uh, yeah. Like you.”
“How are you still a virgin?”
She tensed, and he continued the soothing roll of his thumb. “It’s not like I’ve been trying to remain one, or not. I’ve just been trying to survive, Elijah. And it’s been tough. Imagine having no one to fall back on. No parents, no family. No friends.” She swallowed and the movement of it rolled under his hand. “I’ve had to do it all on my own.”
“Swear to God, if you say I’m sorry again, I’ll scream.”
He smiled, then leaned close to her ear again, kissed the shell. “Fine, then let me make my third point. I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to be in here with you. I’m glad it was you because I’ve gotten a chance to make amends with you, to talk things through. And while it’s a fucked-up situation, I plan on continuing to make those amends.
“What I meant was I’d rather be in a bed or somewhere else where I could worship you properly before fucking your brains out. Not in some box where we’re sure to end up with a crick in our necks or bruises from bumping against the side.”
She sighed. “Oh.”
He grinned and nipped at her jaw. “Yeah, oh. So what do you say we get out of here?”
Her breath hitched and she shifted. Was that because she was uncomfortable, or because she was getting excited at the idea? He hated not being able to see her face, her expressions.
“Yeah?” he asked, trailing his mouth along her jawline.
Her breath hitched again. “Yeah,” she said back.
“Okay, I’m going to touch you now. And you’re going to need to touch me, too.”
“Okay,” she whispered, her face turning to him.
He wanted to do this right, wanted to show her she could trust him. But he understood that trusting him might be a long time coming. Especially with their past. Instead of promising things he knew would go in one ear and out the other, he kissed her.
Finding her lips in the dark wasn’t as hard as he thought. Her breath fluttered over his lips before he sealed his mouth to hers. She opened immediately, and he groaned at the feel of her tongue seeking his. He shifted his grip to her jaw and deepened the kiss, tangling his tongue around the hot and wetness of hers. She whimpered into his mouth, and he went hard against her leg.
His dick pulsed as if asking for attention, but he concentrated on making this good for Violet. He owed her this. Owed her so much more. And once they were out of this box, he’d tried to give it to her.
He nipped at her lips, sucked at them, then returned to his favorite part—her tongue, diving deep again. She shifted to get closer to him, her body moving as if she wanted to be closer.
Taking his hand from her jaw, he trailed it slowly down her body. Petting her along the way. Getting her used to his touch while exploring her at the same time. She wore a top that molded to her curves, so her breasts were held tight on the cotton tee. He tested their weight, curved his thumb over erect nipples. Wished he could taste her now, too. But there was no way he would reveal her body to those bastards watching outside. Instead, he kept his hands over her clothes as he discovered her and what she liked.
She arched into his touch when he raked a nail over her nipple. Gasped into his mouth as he lightly pinched it. She reacted to him as if she were made to lay with him. And the thought both jolted him with surprise and angered him because of all they’d missed out on. All because he’d been a jerk.
Pushing that thought out of his mind, he let his hand trail farther, shifted to the inside of her thigh. She froze, her mouth open under his.
“Trust me,” he said, or begged. He didn’t know. Two words that weren’t very easy for her, he knew.
He held still as she kept her legs closed for one moment … two. Then, she opened, and he let out a breath, kissed her deeply, and shifted his hand over her panties. She was heat and wetness, her body ready for him. His dick pulsed again, but he wanted to focus on her. Needed to.
His hand shifted under her panties, found silky liquid coating her folds. Pure heaven. A perfection of feeling against him. He imagined she’d feel just as perfect wrapped around his cock. Groaned into her mouth thinking about it.
She widened her legs further, and he found her clit, engorged and begging. He spread her moisture around, memorized the feel of her, then rubbed at the bundle of nerves.