Page 106 of Tasty Cherry
Arya appears. “She’s here!” She turns to Mila. “You’re here!”
I squeeze Mila’s hand. “Mila, this is my sister Arya.”
“I love all your art,” Mila says. “Every time I come here, I discover another beautiful piece.”
Mila nods, absently petting Alfalfa. “The triptych in the living room? I see something new every time I look at it.”
“Ooooh, tell me.”
The two of them take off for the next room. Mila tells Arya what she sees, and Arya talks excitedly about what she planned.
Mila goes on about the layout of the room and how the art is perfectly situated, asking if Arya has done any interior design.
My sister is eating it up.
I smile to myself as I watch them. This never happened with Haley, not once. Their instant friendship gives me peace of mind that I won’t have a situation where Arya will ever feel pushed out.
“You want to see my studio?” Arya asks.
“Heck yes, I do,” Mila says.
The two of them disappear upstairs.
And, she’s been stolen.
This is good. Very good.
I open the fridge and survey the contents. I bought several options for meals this week. I rummage around and set various packages of meat on the counter to consider.
I’ve started crushing garlic when they finally come back downstairs.
Arya hops on the kitchen island. “I like her. I loaned her one of my books.”
“You don’t even loan me any of your books!”
Arya reaches down to snatch a slice of cheese I set out. “You got crumbs in them!”
“Once! When I was twelve!”
“How can I trust you after that?” Arya steals a cracker from the tray.
I catch Mila smiling at the two of us. My heart swells. This is the best. The absolute best.
“I was thinking about grilling ribs for dinner. You staying?”
Arya hops down. “And watch my brother make out like a lovesick goon? No thanks. But you can leave out some leftovers. I’m heading to Vicky’s this afternoon, anyway.”
“I’ll make extra.”
“I’ll be around in the morning if you want to make French toast,” Arya says. And then to Mila, “He can really cook. Be very bad at it and you’ll be all set.”
“Noted,” Mila says.
“Hey!” I swat at Arya’s head.
She ducks and laughs and bounds up the stairs. Alfalfa barks and runs after her.