Page 109 of Tasty Cherry
Be there in five.
I wander the suite as I wait for him to arrive. It’s pure white everywhere, with sheers on the walls, birch hardwood floors with fluffy rugs, and a satiny white bedspread on the bed.
There’s a gentle tap, tap on the door. I toy with the idea of quickly stripping out of my clothes and opening the door naked, but I chicken out. If it’s maintenance or housekeeping, who always knock before entering even if the room is empty, I’ll never recover from the embarrassment.
I pop the door open only a crack.
Sebastian grins at me. “Your groom has arrived.”
The very idea of us being married brings heat to my whole body.
“I guess that makes me the bride.”
He steps inside and closes the door behind him. “And it’s time for us to break new ground on our sexcapades.” He gestures to the hot tub. “Under water.”
He heads over and turns both levers. “It takes a while to fill, so I’m going to leisurely strip you naked while we wait. Any objections?”
When he’s satisfied with the temperature of the water coming out, he sets the plug and turns to me. “Where should I start?”
Something impulsive takes over, and I say, “You’ll have to catch me first!”
I dash behind the circular dining table.
“I like this,” he says. “Every time I catch you, I’m taking something off.”
“Good luck.”
As he rounds the table, I stay ahead, always on the opposite side. We continue this for a moment, then he lunges across the top, snagging my vest. He pulls me by the edge over to him. “So this has to go.” He unfastens it.
I squirm away as he pulls it from my arms, kicking off my shoes so I can run across the huge bed. He does the same, leaping to catch me before I’m over the far end.
“No pants for you,” he says in my ear as he unfastens them and tugs them over my hips.
I fight my way out of his arms, losing my pants in the process.
He shucks his jacket and ID. That’s a good idea, and I pull mine over my head and drop it to the floor.
I head into the bathroom proper, then realize this was a terrible mistake, as now I’m trapped.
He runs in behind me, and I let out a squeal as my hotel shirt is pulled over my head.
Even so, I duck out of his grasp and return to the main room. There’s a small kitchenette and bar, so I dash to it.
But I’m trapped again, not that I care all that much.
He stalks me in there, dropping clothes as he goes. He’s down to boxers.
“I’ve got you cornered.” He presses me against the wall and in seconds, my bra is unsnapped and flying over the bar.
“One of my favorite things in life.” He bends down to take a nipple in his mouth.
I melt against the cool luminous wallpaper. I live for this. I want it all the time. Every day, whenever I can get him.
Sebastian makes his way down my body, dragging my panties away. He lifts one of my legs onto his shoulder, and then his face is there, his mouth exploring me.