Page 114 of Tasty Cherry
Jessie bites her lip at that, and I’m trying not to react, either. I bet he was enjoyable.
Jessie turns to Maverick. “How would you characterize your relationship with Chef Monique right now?”
He chuckles. “She’s hot enough to melt the permafrost on the shelves inside the freezer.”
That quiets the room.
Monique’s face goes pink, but I don’t think she’s upset by what he said. If Maverick can win that one over, he’s got real skills.
Jessie makes more notes. “I’ll want to talk to each of you separately. But while you are together, are you two planning on reporting your relationship to HR officially? I can email you both the form so it’s done while we sort this out.”
Monique and Maverick answer simultaneously.
Monique: “Yes.”
Maverick: “Hell, no.”
Monique turns to him. Now she’s upset. “Why not?”
“I’d have to file for half of laundry too.” He stands up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on my blonde hottie.”
Does he mean Brooklyn? Geez.
I stand up with him. “Actually, Maverick, you stay right here. Everyone else can work out the schedule of interviews with Jessie for her report.”
Both Raya and Jessie throw me looks that tell me they are not thrilled that I appear to be taking Maverick’s side, but they file out.
Maverick sits back down. “Now what?”
I move to the table. “What the hell are you doing, Mav? Do you have to shove your cock in everything with a vagina?”
“I’m not hitting on your chick.”
This stops me cold. “Who is my chick?”
He props his feet on the table like he’s perfectly at home. “The one with tits for days. Mila. I left her for you.”
My anger floods me so fast, I don’t think. I just yell. “Pack your shit, Maverick. You’re out. Fired. Gone. Empty your apartment.”
He drops his feet to the floor. “Fuck. I figured that would be the thing to get you. Don’t worry. I’m not going to narc on you. I’m not like that.” He stands up to leave. “But seems to me, you and me are in the same damn situation.”
He’s right. “Sit down,” I tell him.
He drops into the chair.
“I assume Jessie won’t find any preferential treatment for her report?”
He shrugs. “Can’t. I’ve been doing grunt work.”
“So the biggest thing we can get you two on is inappropriate behavior.”
“If you get us on that, you’ll have to take out half of laundry, plus room service, plus one of the other interns.”
Now it makes sense. Spread your misdeeds out and it becomes impossible to fire everybody.
“Do you even like Monique?”
“She’s a hard-ass bitch. I dig it. But I’m not having chef babies with her or anything. She’s a freak in the sheets, though. I’ll give her that. The freezer was all about ice on her?—”