Page 116 of Tasty Cherry
We have such a long way to go until Havannah chooses her event manager and we can go to HR with our relationship. Four months at least.
Sebastian’s hair tickles my skin as he leisurely makes his way down my body.
Neck, chest, belly, thighs.
He lifts a knee and dives in.
I clutch the bedspread and arch my back. He knows exactly what gets to me. He always did, but after almost two months of paying attention, he’s a master.
I’m getting better, too. There’s this place I can touch that makes him crazy. I looked it up after I discovered it. It’s called the perineum.
He likes it.
I suck in a breath. He’s got me, the world starting to spin. I live for this. I can’t believe I was twenty-two and graduated before I got to do it. Next month I will be twenty-three. Sebastian will turn thirty-three one week later. We’re both Scorpios.
His finger shifts, and that’s it, I’m there. My breathing is wild, and that familiar pulse begins to throb.
Then I freeze at a strange sound.
The front door pops open.
“Make sure it’s all ready,” Raya says, then stops cold. She’s seen us.
She stares at me, as there’s a direct sightline from the main door into the bedroom. God, I’m naked, with Sebastian’s face down below.
Sebastian notices a heartbeat later than me. He throws the bedspread over us, but it’s way too late.
Raya steps back into the hall. “You know, let’s come back after lunch,” she tells someone we can’t see. “Out we go.”
The door clicks.
My entire body flashes so hot, I feel like I’m incinerating.
She saw us. Saw me. Naked. Having sex.
I can’t deal with it.
I roll away from Sebastian and race to the bathroom. I don’t have time to get the toilet lid up, so I throw up into the sink. I’ve skipped lunch, so there’s nothing but sticky fluid that I have to spit to get out of my mouth.
He comes up behind me, but I wave him away. As if Raya seeing me wasn’t mortifying enough, now he’s watching me puke.
I rinse out my mouth a half dozen times, although it doesn’t take the acid taste away. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and grimace. My hair is everywhere. My mascara has smudged.
My boobs are saggy despite my age. My belly has a fold in it when I bend over that gives me a terrible pouch. I’m blotchy and gross, and I can’t bear any of this one minute longer.
I let out a sob, and Sebastian’s there. He wraps his arms around me. “Hey. This was always a possibility.”
I can’t stop crying. I’m so humiliated, like all my secrets were just announced at a school assembly. I want to run away and hide.
I know exactly why Brooklyn wanted to leave after the Chef Monique fiasco. It’s too horrible to think of facing people who know about your mistakes, your misdeeds.
But she stayed.
And Maverick got put permanently in the barn to keep him away from the offices. He’s been building a whelping pen for the pregnant donkeys to give birth in.