Page 76 of Tasty Cherry
Sebastian tilts his head. “And?”
“Perfect,” I say.
“Excellent!” He sets the spoon in the sink. “Let me stir fry the chicken.”
He takes out a large wok and sets it on a burner. I take in the kitchen again, and the living room, picking out more details than before.
There are ceramics and sculptures and stacks of books everywhere. I hop off the stool and sort through several novels piled on a table beside the sofa.
I lift one up. “What My Mother Doesn’t Know?” I call out to Sebastian.
He laughs. “It’s Arya’s favorite. She’s read it a dozen times.”
“Not you?”
“Oh, I have, too. She made sure of it. I thought it was good. First love and all that.”
Huh. I sit on the end of the sofa and open to the first page.
And I’m completely sucked in. It’s adorable and sweet and told in verse.
Soon, Sebastian taps on my shoulder. “It’s ready.”
I look up. Fifteen minutes have passed. “Oh! The book got me.”
“It does. Arya might kill me if I loan it to you, but I’ll get you a copy.”
“Oh, I can do that.”
He presses his lips to my hair. “I’d like to.”
I set the book down. “Okay.”
He leads me by the hand to the stools. Two wide bowls are filled with rice, chicken, and the thick orange sauce. “What’s this called?” I ask.
“Murgh makhani, or butter chicken. It’s tomato-based, with garlic and butter and spice.”
“It smells heavenly.”
“Do you want wine? More cider?”
“More cider is good. And maybe water, just in case.”
He grins. “Absolutely.”
I wait until he’s brought the glasses back, then I fork a bite of the chicken.
I almost swoon at my first full-fledged bite.
“It’s so good, Sebastian. Where has this been all my life?”
“I’ll take you to some Indian places in town. There are good ones.”
“When you can cook so well at home?”
His face relaxes, and I realize, he was nervous too. Worried I wouldn’t like his mother’s dishes. That I might not be able to eat it.
I take his hand. “Thank you.”