Page 125 of Salty Pickle
I grab his arm. “Don’t you dare leave me!”
The nurse enters, and the overhead light comes on. She takes one look down below and starts texting. “Let me page the doctor. You’re doing great, Lucy!”
Then there’s activity everywhere. Two more people come in, then a man with a plastic baby bed.
Then Dr. Fresno is back. “I hear we’re having a baby!” He snaps on gloves and situates himself at the end of the bed. “Time to push, Lucy.”
It’s a blur then. The lights. The voices. The crowd of people. Mom and Dad return. They circle around.
The pressure is intense, coming and going, but coming back again so fast, I can barely catch a breath. I grip Court’s hand. He smooths my hair.
Then the sensation is gone. Totally gone.
Everyone’s quiet for a moment.
Then a cry.
A beautiful, piercing cry!
“It’s a boy!” Dr. Fresno says.
The room comes back into focus. Mom hugs Dad.
Dr. Fresno lifts the baby, pink and covered partially in white, the cord hanging from his belly.
Court stays by my side, holding my hand. “It’s Julian.” He kisses my head.
Then the baby is on my chest. A bracelet is snapped to his wrist and ankle. Dr. Fresno listens to him with a stethoscope.
“Is he okay?” I ask, barely registering that it’s all over, that he’s here.
“He’s perfect,” Dr. Fresno says.
The nurse shifts the baby to lie on my skin and covers us both in a blanket.
The room empties.
“We’ll give you two a moment,” Mom says.
I don’t know if she met Court. I don’t know anything except there’s this heavy, warm baby on my body, and Court is leaning over us both.
Nothing else matters.
Not a single other thing.
Igot here.
I made it.
He’s born.
We sit there awhile, cuddled together at the top of Lucy’s hospital bed.