Page 96 of Salty Pickle
“Blood test first,” she says, holding her belly. “I feel like I’m going to laugh the baby right out.”
“Can excessive laughter cause you to go into labor?”
She’s caught up in it again and can’t answer.
I take her hand and lead my giggling lady up to the door. We’re pointed to the lab.
She goes dead sober when the phlebotomist preps the needle. “Here we go.”
“I thought you said you were fine with needles. I asked you last week when you made the appointment.”
“I didn’t want to seem like trouble.”
“Do you faint with needles?” the phlebotomist asks. “This chair lies back to help you.”
“I’ve come close, but I’m worried now that I’m so pregnant, it’ll happen.”
“Let me lay you back.” She pulls a lever below the chair to lift a footrest and angle the back of the seat. “Dad, stay close to make sure she doesn’t roll off.”
“You’re prepared for this,” Lucy says.
“We have to be.”
“Look at me,” I tell Lucy and hold her gaze as the phlebotomist preps Lucy’s arm. “What’s your final guess on Julian or Julia?”
“Hmmm.” She closes her eyes. “Julian.” Then. “Ouch!”
“It will only take a few seconds,” the phlebotomist says. “You’re doing great.”
“Then I’m Team Julia,” I say.
“I like those names,” the woman says. “And… we’re all done.” A cotton ball and strip of tape goes on Lucy’s arm. “We’ll sit her up slowly.”
“I’m good,” Lucy says. “Whew.”
We take our time walking to radiology. I hold Lucy’s hand tightly as we’re checked in, and we wait for our turn.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” Lucy says. “I’m fine either way.”
“Probably you’re ramped up from the blood draw.”
She nods. “I’m going to need another milkshake or three.”
I kiss her knuckles. “Anything you want.”
We’re called back, and a tall woman ushers us into a dimly lit room. “Let’s take a peek at baby!” She helps Lucy onto the exam table and covers her lower half with a paper sheet.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have worn a dress!” Lucy says.
“Not a problem. I’m Olivia. Do you know your gender?” She rolls Lucy’s dress up to her chest.
“Not yet.”
“Do you want to know?”
“Yes,” Lucy says. “Today’s the day.”
“I love these days.” She squirts gel on a paddle and runs it over Lucy’s belly.