Page 19 of Juicy
Chapter 12
What do tofu and a dildo have in common?
They are both meat substitutes.
I stumble from the vehicle on shaky legs, the absolutely incredible orgasm still making my pussy twitch.
Macon and Jacob appear before me with concerned looks on their matching faces.
“Are you okay?” Jacob rushes over to steady me, his arm wrapping around my waist and holding me close to his muscular body.
My poonany doesn’t care that she’s just been fingered in the back of the car, nor does she care that she had another man diddling her clit. Jacob being this close to me makes me want to climb his body like a tree, wrap my legs around his face, and suffocate him with my thighs.
“I’m fine, just a little shaky on my legs,” I say.
“Why? Is your blood sugar low?” Jacob asks me with urgency.
“Maybe a bit dehydrated from all the fluids she just lost in the back of my car,” Braylen says smugly.
Jacob looks between us, confused, until Brad emerges from the car, sucking on his fingers. Jacob’s hand clenches on my hip and moves me to stand in front of him, where I can feel something solid bulging in his pants.
Reaching back, I cup his package and furrow my brow when I don’t feel the hard outline of a cock – instead, I feel something metallic and like a cage where his cock should be.
His lips brush against my ear, “It’s a cock cage.”
“Well, color me fucking intrigued. Does it hurt?”
“No, just a bit uncomfortable. It stops me from getting hard,” he murmurs low enough that the others don’t hear.
“I can’t wait to put it to the test.” I turn in his arms, reach up, and kiss his Adam's apple.
The way Braylen and Brad made me feel in the car makes me bolder, and I press myself closer to Jacob’s body. My arms snake around his neck as I graze my nails at the base of his head through his shaved hair.
Jacob groans, his hands tightening on my hips almost painfully, but I love it; my thighs clench together, seeking relief even after a mindblowing orgasm.
A throat clears behind me, pulling me away from Jacob. “Shall we go inside?” Braylen suggests, but there’s no jealousy in his eyes, only lust, and when I look at the others, the same is reflected back at me.
Jacob takes my hand, placing it in the crook of his arm, and leads me with the others into the extravagant restaurant.
The clatter of cutlery against porcelain plates with the small chatter from everyone is a small comfort as we walk through the restaurant to a private area, hidden from everyone's view.
The round table is covered in a cream-colored tablecloth, tealights in glass jars in the middle, and a vase with a singular red rose decorates the center. Classical music plays softly in the background, and the heat from Braylen's hand lingering on my back urges me to step forward.
“Do you like it?” he asks lowly in my ear.
“It’s fancy,” I murmur.
“Only the best for such a beautiful woman.”
My cheeks heat. The compliment is simple but enough to make me feel like a blushing teenager who has her first crush.
Unfortunately, my crush is not only on one man but four.
“Can I get you started with something to drink ?” the waitress approaches, her iPad in her hand.
“Oh my god, Luna!” I exclaim, excited to see one of my clients. “When are you getting booked in to get your hair done?”