Page 43 of Juicy
Chapter 24
What do a penis and a Rubik’s cube have in common?
The more you play with it, the harder it gets.
“Do you think it’s weird for us just to drop by at her work?” I mutter, already clicking the left turn signal towards Cherry’s salon.
“Nah. I want to make sure she’s eating,” Jacob says, the Tupperware boxes clutched tightly in his hands. “She said herself last night that she barely eats when she has clients all day.”
“Well, hopefully, she isn’t too mad about it.”
Turning onto the road where her salon ‘Tame the Bush’ is, I slow to stop at the sidewalk and jump out.
Police surround her salon, and an ambulance is positioned towards her, the doors open. A red-haired girl sits hunched over in the back, cuts covering her face, and at first glance, I don’t recognize her.
“Fuck sweetness!” I shout, pushing through the crowd gathered. Jacob’s thundering steps follow, “Cherry!”
We reach her in record time, ignoring the shouts of protest from the police officers, and Jacob pushes past me, pulling her into his arms.
My hand raises in the air, but I hesitate when I see that she’s covered in cuts. “What the fuck happened? We only said goodbye to you three hours ago!”
I’m fucking terrified, and my heart is beating in my chest like crazy at the idea of her being hurt.
Cherry takes a shuddering breath and burrows her face into my twin’s chest, “Someone threw a brick through my window,” she says, and hot rage boils my veins.
“Who? Who fucking did this!”
“We don’t know yet. I didn’t see anything, but I have security cameras, so the police will hopefully figure it out.”
“Okay, my love. Can we take you home? I don’t like the idea of you being alone right now,” Jacob says, gently brushing her newly red hair away from her face.
“I-I can’t leave Jade,” she says, her voice hiccupping.
Scanning the area for her friend, I see her wrapped up in the arms of our friend Jackson, who’s had a massive crush on her for months. “I think she’ll be fine, sweetness,” I say, smiling softly at her. “Let us take you home, and I’ll let the others know.”
“Okay,” she replies, her body sagging against my brother as the adrenaline leaves her body.
“I got her. You go let the police know we’re taking her with us.” He’s already leading her away, his arm wrapped around her protectively.
Brad and Braylen both arrive at Cherry’s house in record time.
“Is she okay?” Braylen barges in, frantically scanning the room for her.
“She’s getting changed. Sit down, and she’ll be right out,” I say, nodding my head to the chair in front of me.
They do as they're told, but I can hear the way Brad’s leg shakes under the table and Braylen’s finger taps restlessly on the wood.
“What the fuck happened?” Brad mutters.
“Someone broke her salon window,” I tell them the minimal information I know. “ Police say a brick was thrown through, and she covered her friend with her body, so she got hit by the glass.”
“What the fuck!” Brad exclaims, slamming his fist down on the wood just as Cherry appears. He storms from his seat, pulling her into his arms. “I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt you.”
“Brad, you’re five foot eight on a good day. You aren’t doing anything,” she laughs.
“Wow, babe, really hurting my feelings here.” He says with mock hurt, his hands clutching his chest.