Page 26 of Gooey
“Well, I’m happy you told me. Winter’s going to be even happier.”
He looks surprised. “Really? Why?”
“My girl loves yoga.”
“Yes I do!” she cheers, peeking out the plane door to look at the two of us. “Did you know this thing has snacks!?”
“She’s perfect for you,” Morris deadpans. “All of that sunshine for your grouchy ass? I couldn’t have matched you better myself.”
“I haven’t felt grouchy since laying eyes on her, that’s for sure.”
The two of us board the plane, finding Winter speaking animatedly with the stewardess. She charms everyone she meets and I can’t blame them. My future wife’s smile is beyond infectious.
“The pink starbursts are mine,” she proclaims when she sees me. “I haven’t had these in two years. I’m in heaven.”
She’s wearing a cute pastel purple crewneck and a pair of black leggings with thick socks on her feet. Sipping from a bottle of coke and leaning back in her seat, fisting a bundle of candy, she looks perfectly content. All that’s missing is her ring. That’ll be rectified soon.
“Making yourself right at home, I see,” Morris teases, sweeping a Kit Kat from the selection of unclaimed goodies. “My kind of girl.”
“Morris was just telling me that his boyfriend teaches yoga near us,” I inform her with a knowing smirk.
Immediately her face lights up. “Really? Oh my goooosh, that’s so fun! Can I have his number? Wait, I need a phone to text him.” Turning to me, she asks, “Can we get me a phone? I have no idea what Dad did with mine.”
“Of course,” I answer immediately, honored that she feels comfortable enough to ask.
I understand why she was concerned about looking money hungry before. My family is loaded and she’s fifteen years my junior without a cent to her name. Her father stole from us, after all. Honestly, I’m not sure she even thinks about that, though, and I’m glad for it. I’ll use our private investigators to dig up the money and bury the issue. It’s not her fault and not her problem.
Pulling my cell from my pocket, I pass it to her. “Feel free to use mine for now. We’ll get you your own ASAP, love.”
Hesitantly, she takes the device. “You’re sure? There isn’t anything private on here?”
“I’m more than sure, sugar. I don’t have anything to hide and I don’t do business on my phone so there’s nothing confidential.”
Smiling to herself, she puckers her lips for a kiss and I lean down to oblige.
“I’m going to play Hello Kitty Island Adventure,” she declares, kissing me twice more.
Morris snorts with laughter. “Text Meghan too, while you’re at it. She’s dying to meet you. I had to sneak off without her. I hate flying with her.”
“How is she?” I ask as Winter looks for her contact.
“Good. She’s dating some Chef guy now, but she says it’s not serious.”
“Nothing is serious with Meghan,” I joke.
Meghan is like me but opposite. She’s addicted to work, but the business kind. She’s the only lawyer of the family and she got that degree purely to further our family’s empire. She’s married to work, but so was I not too long ago. Maybe she’ll find someone who knocks the wind out of her the way my girl did to me.
Whatever happens, life is going to be good—I can feel it.
With Winter by my side, our future is bright.