Page 59 of Perfectly Imperfect
Eddie’s flight was delayed, so he would be joining us later. I can’t wait to see him after being away for so long. We’ve talked on the phone plenty, but not enough. His time difference in Europe made the chats we did have too short for my liking.
One thing he’s made perfectly clear though is that he’s beyond thrilled with how things have turned out. I know a lot of that has to do with the change he’s heard in my voice over the last almost two months, but I think a little part of Eddie’s happiness is knowing that the one man we had claimed as unattainable has stolen my heart … just as I have his.
“Are you all packed?” Kirby asks and stuffs a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
I nod but keep my attention on the television we had been watching for almost two hours. True to form, girls’ night is in full swing. The wine is flowing, nails have been painted, and our skin exfoliated. I decided to skip the mud masks that we would normally end the beauty portion of our night with because, let’s face it, there is nothing sexy about being covered in drying mud as it cracks all over your skin.
Kane skipped our pampering but sat, drank, and laughed with us. Well, until we had a brilliant idea to turn on this movie. He hasn’t been shy about his dislike for our feature film of the evening. I hear him grumble again, but I still don’t look away. I blindly raise my wine glass to my mouth and take a hearty swig to ease the dryness in my throat.
“This acting is almost as bad as a porn,” he criticizes.
Kirby laughs at Kane’s complaint.
“You are not wrong, but I think it’s safe to say that no one is actually watching this for the acting. I mean, look at the way Channing moves those hips,” Kirby responds, making a clucking sound with her tongue. “Who is that hunk dancing with him?”
I clear my throat. Watching this scene between Channing and Twitch is making me way too hot and bothered. I imagine Kane doing the things I’ve been watching, and the thoughts of him spinning me around while grinding on top of me, in me—heck, all over me—is making my body heat to impossible levels.
“Twitch,” I respond, my voice betraying the cool and calm I had been trying to fake.
Turning my eyes from the television before I attack Kane and beg him to strip for me, I look at Kirby before addressing her question.
“Twitch, I forget his real name. He was on Dancing with the Stars, no … the other one, what was that called?”
“So You Think You Can Dance,” Kane offers, and I turn to look at him. He gives me a knowing smile, and I feel my face heat. “He actually was in a few movies before that show made him better known. I don’t know a lot about him, but I think he’s choreographed some of those dance movies too. Last I saw, he had been doing a lot on Ellen.”
“What he said,” I tell Kirby and smile when Kane throws his head back and laughs, reaching out to pull me to his side.
“Well, wherever he’s from, he’s just as delicious as Channing.”
I ignore Kirby and settle into Kane’s side, turning my head to look at him. “So…?”
He laughs even harder. “Don’t even think about it. I’ll get naked for you, baby, but there won’t be any of that stupid dancing going on.”
“I’ll dance for you, Willow.” Kirby giggles.
I open my mouth to send a sarcastic comment her way, but the lock clicks from the front door and the door opens with enough force to slam against the wall.
“Hello, my best friends! Eddie is here, and he wants some hugs from his best girls!”
“Eddie!” Kirby and I both scream at the same time and jump from the couch to run to him. There’s a lot of talking after that—excited gabble of nonsense, giggles, and even some tears—before Eddie goes silent and openly gawks over our shoulders. Oh, my God, I had completely forgotten that Kane was here.
“Holy shit,” Eddie gasps.
I elbow him, and Kirby giggles.
“Eddie, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Kane. Kane, this is my other best friend, Eddie.” I pull Eddie into the room and bring him to where Kane is standing, smile on his face, dimple out, and thankfully, for Eddie’s sanity, fully dressed.
Kane reaches out a hand in greeting, but Eddie, for the first time I have ever witnessed, is completely star struck. I give him an elbow to the side, but he doesn’t even register me.
“Seriously, Edward?” Kirby hoots. “I have never seen him like this, Kane. You should probably just ignore him. I bet he wouldn’t even blink if the room fell down around him at this point. Hey, Willow?” She starts to laugh even harder now making me wonder where she’s going with this.
“I bet we could snap him out of this trance. Come over here and let me give you another kiss. Bet that would shock him stupid enough to come to his senses.” She’s laughing so hard now that she falls down on the couch, tears leaking from her eyes.
I close my eyes and try to remember why I love her so much and why I would be sad if I killed her. Well, I would be sad tomorrow, but right now, I wouldn’t be.
“Kiss again?” Eddie asks, finally turning away from Kane. “You two bitches kissed and no one told me?”
“Like you care! You just thought it was funny because it made me uncomfortable when you brought us to the club with you and someone asked if Kirby and I were a couple.”
“Did you see this kiss?” Eddie questions Kane, all signs of his stupid star-struck trance gone. “Tell me someone caught this on tape. I’ve been waiting to have them drunk enough to get a blackmail kiss for years!”
“Sorry, man, I can’t say I was around for that one,” Kane responds and then lets out a loud belly laugh when I roll my eyes at him.
“Nice to meet you. Sorry about that.” Eddie reaches out and I watch the two most important men in my life shake hands.
They start talking, and I look over at Kirby. “I’m going to strangle you,” I tell her, unsmiling.
“Yeah, right. You told me we shouldn’t tell him because he would never let it go. I didn’t agree.”
“Whatever. Now, he’s going to try to get us to kiss again. You know he’s been convinced we would have been the best lesbian couple ever.”
“Well, we probably would have.” Her giggles pick up speed, and I can’t help but to join in.