Page 84 of Perfectly Imperfect
“I did! Isn’t it adorable?”
“Hey! Come on!” I growl some sort of annoyed noise deep in my throat, the chest that I’m lying on quivering again. “You are all hilarious. Very hilarious. Let’s all poke fun at Willow this morning.”
“Oh, come on, Wills. We’re just happy for you, that’s all.”
“Happy and flirting with Kane?” I snap back at Eddie.
“Well, you open those pretty little eyes and look at him. You would do the same.”
He’s right.
“Is there a reason you two are calling me nonstop?”
“Yeah, Wills,” Kirby responds, the lightness in her voice gone.
I lift up and look at Kane in question, but he just shrugs. “And are you going to tell me what that might be?”
Eddie clears his throat. Kirby lets out a deep sigh.
“Well?” I continue.
“We saw the news this morning. You can’t miss it, honey. Every entertainment station is either playing some sort of highlight reel or using those little black tickers on the bottom of the screen to spread the word. You two are the top story on three morning shows and that doesn’t even count the Google alerts I have on Kane that have been going insane since late last night.”
I let that sink in before I respond to Eddie. “You have Google alerts set to Kane?”
“Uh, duh.”
“Right. Okay. That’s not creepy or anything.”
“We’re getting off track,” Kirby complains. “Kane, I know you’re there and listening and even though you’re my boss, I’m about to step all over that line of professionalism here.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” he calmly answers.
“I know,” she smugly says. “Let me just cut to the chase. While I commend you for that big spectacle you made last night—or early this morning, whatever—I’m a little concerned about Willow, and I wanted, no, we wanted, to make sure she’s okay.”
I settle back down, letting the tension out of my body. “I’m perfect,” I tell them, meaning every word.
“Wills, honey, there are some pretty intense things being said.”
“Being?” I request.
“Willow,” Kane exhales in warning.
Leaning back up, again, I look him in the eye. “I’m okay,” I mouth. He doesn’t look happy, but nods and holds himself tense.
“Well, Wills,” Eddie starts, clearly unsure if he should repeat the rumors.
“Shit. Okay,” Kirby interrupts. “They’re saying that even though Kane confirmed he is very much in a relationship with his new lady friend, there is already trouble in paradise because of the strain this affair has had on you two in the wake of his cheating being the reason he split with Mia. It’s not pretty, Wills, and I hate to ask you this, but are they true?”
I should be mad she’s asking. She has spent time with Kane, with the two of us together, and with each of us separately. She shouldn’t be so easily fooled.
“Kirby,” I warn.
“I know, I know! I’m sorry. But, Willow, there are some really nasty things being said. I just have to know that you’re okay. Kane, I’m sorry again, but it has to be said. They’re saying that an insider has confirmed Mia’s baby is his! I’m just worried about you.”
Kane’s whole body is rigid. I know he hates this, but I also know he’s still a little anxious about what will happen now that his worries are coming true.
“We love you, Willow,” Eddie says through the line. “I just want you to be happy. I know this is a lot to take, and we’re both worried. Is … is the baby his?”
I sigh. Not because I’m upset they’re invading our privacy, but because I know they’re only worried about me because they love me. They’ve seen me at my worst, and if anyone would know how bad I would have reacted in the past, it would be them.
Lifting completely from Kane’s side, I move my leg over his hip and straddle his waist. I let the silence linger, ignoring the worried mumbling of my two best friends and focus on the man who holds my heart.
I rest the phone on his chest, my hands roaming over the corded muscles in his pecs before I move over his tense shoulders and lean forward, curling my fingers around his neck. Holding my weight off my hands and centering my body. My hips rock involuntarily against his. Some of the sharpness in his features fades when my warm center slides over his erection.
I keep my expression open so that he can see, with no doubt, that this isn’t upsetting to me. I knew what was happening and he needs to see I meant every word. It doesn’t matter what they say, we know the truth, and that is all that I need. He is all I need.
“Willow!” Eddie snaps, my silence too long for him.
“I love you both,” I start, keeping my eyes on Kane. “I love that you’re worried about me, and I know that you both have the best intentions. You’ve seen what it’s done in the past when I was the center of others’ judgments, but I need you two to also respect me when I tell you that this is none of your business. I’m not that person anymore. I know you’re only acting out of concern, but trust me when I tell you that it isn’t needed. I’m happy. So happy. It doesn’t matter what’s being said because the only person’s happiness that is more important than mine is Kane’s.”
The tension drains from his face, and his hard expression makes way for a look of pure love and pride.
“Willow, the baby,” Eddie cries in exasperation.
“Is none of your business,” I interject. “The only thing that you need to know is that Kane and I are perfect. I need you to respect the fact that I will not now, or ever, talk about anything else in our relationship. You guys and your friendship means the world to me …” My eyes roam Kane’s face as I continue to talk. The reverence that is now mixing with his love is filling me with my own sense of pride. “I can tell you, both of you, that there is no doubt in my mind that Kane came to me freely, entered our relationship freely, and his love comes with no conditions. The rest of the rumors, I’m sorry, will never be anyone’s business but our own.”
They both sigh. I can hear weeping, and I know by the girlish cries that it isn’t Kirby.
“I feel like the world is at my fingertips, and I have a contentment in my soul that has never been there before. You don’t need to worry about whatever is being said because I’m happy. We’re happy. And nothing or anyone will change that.”