Page 6 of Thots and Prayers
“Father?” I raised my head.
“Priest Duvall,” she clarified.
“Uh, yeah, sure thing.” I pulled money from my wallet and handed it to her. It was tempting not to tip her, but I reminded myself to keep the peace. I left a moderate tip and took Eisley’s hand.
The waitress saw us holding hands and gave us a dirty look. I flipped her off and turned away. In a week, we’d be gone and wouldn’t remember this stupid fucking town. We were immortal now; this was just a drop in a massive bucket.
We got back to the motel mid-afternoon and Constantine was still gone. I took my pants off and slid under the covers.
“Take a nap with me?” I patted the spot beside me and yawned. Eisley furrowed her brow and looked back at the door.
“I think I’m going to go check on Constantine. He’s been gone a while, and I’m worried about him.”
“Why?” I pulled my glasses off and set them on the side table. I laid back down, closing my eyes. “He’s a big boy.”
“Yeah, but like… I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I’m going to go get a ride from Mitch at the desk. You rest.”
“I can go with you,” I offered, non-committedly.
“No, you stay here, it’s fine. I’m just not tired and I won’t be able to relax here.” She came to the bed, gave me a quick kiss, and then pulled the blankets over me further. “I’ll see you in a bit. We’ll watch another movie.”
I closed my eyes again and listened for her to shut the door. They’d be fine. What trouble could they get into at a church?
“Constantine?” I called into the building. I stood just outside the doors, hesitant to go in.
“Yes, my child?” Amusement rang out in Constantine’s tone as he stepped out from the shadows in the chapel. I stepped inside, shaking my head in disbelief.
“Oh, hell no.”
For a moment, my mind went completely blank. Then, I relaxed.
Constantine, dressed in all black, wearing the white collar and all, grinned at me, raising his hands to show off his new outfit. “That language is kind of frowned upon here. What do you think?”
I took him in, starting at his feet, drinking him up. His clothes were perfectly fitted. He was the hottest priest I’d ever seen.
“Oh, child.” He came to me, his smile full of laughter. “If your mouth hangs open any longer, a fly might get in.”
I snapped my mouth shut quickly and rolled my eyes. “This feels blasphemous.”
“Doesn’t it?” His blue eyes were alight with excitement. “I came to look for prewritten sermons, and they opened the place right up. They offered to pay me to hang out and take confessionals during the day. I figured, since we’re stuck here, why not?”
I struggled with my words but made sure I was careful as I asked him my next question. “This isn’t… triggering?”
“Why?” He cocked his head playfully, but I caught his jaw tick. “Because of my dad? Nah, I actually think watching him preach for most of my childhood will prove helpful come Sunday. All I gotta do is wave my arms and tell people why what they are doing is sinful. Easy.”
“Constantine…” I sighed. I knew I was right to come check on him.
We didn’t talk about The Minister much. It was a silent agreement that we wanted to move away and forget about what had been done to us and what he’d been planning.
He put his hands around my waist and pulled me into his arms. I inhaled his cologne and sighed.
“You ever want to fuck a man of the clergy?” He grinned. I blushed and pushed gently on his chest, stepping away. I looked around.
“Constantine,” I started. I wasn’t sure how comfortable I felt about this. I’d been worried about him being triggered, but it was me who couldn’t shake the dark thoughts.