Page 13 of Paved Paradise
“But it makes it all the sweeter when you finally have the honor of proving yourself capable of protecting that strong, stubborn heart,” my dad adds as he wraps his arms around my mom's waist and tugs her bag into his chest. He kisses her hair, and she smiles like the stars themselves are shining on her. Then she looks back at me.
“If this girl is your future, your other half, the girl you love, I just have one question for you,” my mom asks me, sighing impatiently.
“What's that?” I ask, eyebrows drawn down in confusion.
“What the hell are you still doing here?!” she whisper-shouts.
“Oh, shit!” I yell as I leap up from the door and dash toward the door. I stop and look at my sister lying in the bed, hesitating for only a moment.
“We have her baby. You’ve taken care of all of us long enough. Go grab your future, your happiness. Gracie will be here awake and waiting to hear about how you won her back and possibly met her.”
I give her a nod and hope and pray all that comes to pass. I know one thing: I'm ready for the fight and won't give up until she hears me out. She might have a strong, stubborn heart, but I’m coming in with the big guns. I got love on my side, and you know what they say…
Love makes you do some crazy shit.
“Francesca Smith?” I hear my name softly whispered from the front bars as the door slides open with a bang, making me wince. I lift my head as a new, older cop enters my cell.
“I’m Chief Cruz. I am so sorry about this, ma’am. Seems the rooky here,” he growls toward an ashamed-looking Larry? Lawrence? Douche canoe. “Got a little too eager on his first solo ride. The real perp was arrested yesterday across the Georgia state line.”
“Does that mean I get to leave?” I ask, my voice small, my body feeling smaller.
“Yes, ma’am, come along this way, and we’ll take care of you.”
I don't reply or talk as he walks me through the station and toward the front of the building.
“We didn't have time to tow your van back into impound, so it's still out on highway fifty. I can have the good officer here take you back, maybe make him grab you whatever you want from wherever you want. It will be on him. But only if you would like. Or I can personally drive you myself,” he says, but I’m already shaking my head. After this little run in, I want to be as far away from this station and anyone associated with it as soon as possible.
“Okay, hun, I understand. I can call you a ride, though. I can't tell you how sorry I am about this situation, and I promise you Officer Louis,” So that's douches name, “Will not be getting off the hook for this one so easy.”
I nod, but don't make another peep as I walk toward the doors and out into the morning sunshine. I have no clue what time it is, and I don't care. The only thing I care about is getting back to my van, my safety, and getting the hell out of this damn town. It has been nothing but heartache and trouble since I got here. I wrap my arms around my stomach as I make my way down the stairs of the police station.
“Frankie! Oh, thank the lord. Schnooks, I’m so…” I hear that familiar voice, and instead of the comfort I usually feel, this time, I flinch. I flinch even further as he puts his hands up like he’s going to touch my cheek. When my eyes find his, the heartbreak and hurt are written all over his face, and I almost want to comfort him, but right now, I can't. I have to get myself away from him and away from this town.
“I need to go,” I say, barely above a whisper.
“Schnooks..” I flinch again, then turn to walk down the sidewalk. “Frankie baby, please. I need you to let me explain.”
“I just can't, Beck. I can't. I need to go. I need to get out of here, away from all this,” I tell him, trying and failing to keep my breathing under control. I feel the panic attack coming, wondering how I'm going to get back to my van. I was freaking out so much yesterday, I don't even know where I am. The police station is back off the main road, and I don't know which way to go.
“Hey hey hey. Frankie. Breath for me, baby. In then out,” he says, bringing my vision back from the tunnel I didn't even realize was about to take over. When I’m finally calm, he pulls back away from me, and it almost breaks me again. I know I asked him for space, but I forgot how safe his touch was. Then the image of him with another girl hits me again, and I want to throw up. I turn and start walking, mumbling to myself.
“Just get to the van. I need my van. I just need to get to it. Everything is going to be okay,” I whisper to myself.
“Frankie, where is your van?” Beck asks softly from behind me. I guess he was following me, but my brain is too focused on getting away.
“I don't know. They pulled me over on the highway, out past the ice cream shop. I don't know which way the ice cream shop is.”
“Hey, it's okay. I know where the ice cream shop is. How about you let me drive you there? I promise to take you straight to your van. No other stops,” he pleads with me, and it seems like my only real choice right now.
I could have sucked it up and rode with the cop, but if they would have made me sit in that backseat again, I probably would have thrown up all over the place. That would have shown them. Rather than speaking, I just nod and let him lead me to his truck. No matter what I say or how much I try to cut it off, I still can't help but feel safe as I climb into Beck's truck. The familiar smell of grease and metal wrapping around me creates a blanket of safety. I finally feel completely safe for the first time since everything happened yesterday.
“Please, baby, tell me what happened? I swear I had no clue what was going on. I was…” I cut him off, wanting to get this over and done with.
“I was pulled over yesterday by some rookie cop. Apparently, there was a robbery three towns over. I think someone might have gotten hurt. I guess the guys drove off in a van similar to mine. The rookie saw my van and pulled me over, then arrested me on sight. He didn't run my plates or tell me why I was being pulled over…” My voice breaks on the last sentence, but when Beck places his hand over mine in my lap, I’m able to breathe again. Quickly, I finish, “They put me in cuffs, took me to the jailhouse, took mugshot and prints, then they took me to an interrogation room where they told me why I was arrested. I tried to tell them I was with you that night, but they didn't believe me. When I finally got to make a call, your number was the only one I knew. I dialed it over and over.”