Page 35 of Awakened Gifts
They know her weakness, and the second the electrical guns start firing, the top of the car is ripped off, and I’m outside the vehicle.
I don’t feel the first bullet that connects, but I feel the grenade that slams into my stomach and sends me spiraling backwards, stealing the power that was present just seconds ago.
“Aria!” Rex yells.
Chaos and madness had a child, and this is their twisted spawn. Everything is dusty and impossible to see through. The bullets are coming in from every angle, forcing us to use the car for cover, and I can’t feel or sense anyone. Anything. The pain from the grenade attack is too much.
“We can’t get through without being blown to hell. Where are they?” Mel screams.
Mom’s cries hit hard again. She got too deep, and now they’re killing her with her only weakness. Her invincibility has been shattered, and she’s defenseless. They’ve studied her—they’ve studied all of us.
Rex tries to lift me up, but the blood pours out of the gaping hole in my stomach. “Fucking shit.”
The sound of more cars and yelled curses fill the air, and we’re joined by the others. It’s not enough. No one is strong enough to get through the raining bullets and launched grenades.
I stagger to my feet as my blood continues to spill, and the roar of pain sings to me from the middle of the battle. I can’t see him, but I can hear him—Jase. My mother cries out, and Kellan’s songs of pain ring free. Uncle Brazen yells for the woman he loves as the tattooed monsters tear her apart.
My body starts healing—it’s happening fast enough to see the tissue fusing together—and the hole on my stomach rapidly becomes solid again as the darkness and death stir within me. The bridge to sanity collapses, and the intoxicating taste of power fills me, drawing me under its spell and promising to never let go.
Looking over to Rex, I feel the devil’s smile playing freely on my lips. “I suggest running, brother,” I caution, my laughter bubbling out as the divine power tugs at me with even more force.
His eyes go wide, realization spreading, and he turns while yelling, “Everyone, get the fuck down, now!”
Terror strikes through the family around me, and everyone dives for cover as I begin walking into the storm. Bullets ping off my body, ricocheting as though they’ve struck impenetrable metal. And I laugh as the fear rolls off the men who are trying to take me down. With every step, primal instincts rise higher, and all familiarity seems to cease.
With each advance, I lose more and more of myself. Vaguely do I know the face of the hybrid woman whose eyes glow purple. The full blood tending to her piques my interest, but I decide not to strike him. Yet.
Later. I’ll kill them all later.
A sense of urgency gnaws at me, telling me I’m here for a purpose, but I don’t care what purpose that is. I want blood to fall, to rain harder than the bullets firing my way. I want a life to expire in my hands as I stare into the eyes of the fallen.
The power emanating from me becomes a drug, one that brings a high like no other. Euphoria settles in the place of all, as the feeling of invincibility nestles into my bones.
This is going to be fun.
My hand raises, and the tingling power from within lashes out, seeking destruction. Seeking blood. Seeking death.
Booms rattle out in unison as the explosions strike, scattering up dirt and decimated vehicles, and forcing cries that promise my intended pain has found its targets. A chain reaction of following explosions rattle free, and I slowly walk amongst my havoc, reveling in the fear I can taste around me.
Covered faces charge me with electrical guns. They strike hard, slicing through my clothing, but I’m not weakened by their petty attempts, and the electrical waves just roll over me, not inflicting me with more than a simple buzz. When my laughter floats through the air, mingling with the thunderous sounds of my destruction, their eyes grow wide with terror. Their fear only empowers me and steals another link my mind has with this foreign place.
I only laugh harder when they try to run, and I blow a kiss through the air. Seven necks snap simultaneously, and I smile victoriously while continuing my stalk through the ruins. Their army begins to dwindle as I take center stage. Their bullets continue to ineffectively strike me, and the melody vaguely resembles the sound of metal slapping metal.
I squeeze my hands into fists, and more explosions erupt, fire folding over fire in waves of magnificent power. I turn slowly, circling my steps as I watch the world around me burning by my hand. Every heartbeat around me sounds in my ears, and I smirk while holding my hands out to my sides, letting the power flow and do its worst. Some bodies are avoided, but I don’t know why. I don’t seek them right now, but maybe I will.
Hearts try to reach my hands as I call to them, pulling them through the chests of their hosts. Fewer beats find my ears, and I laugh loudly while dropping my head back and spinning with childish abandon, basking in the screams I’ve evoked. More. I need more—so much more.
The body on the ground draws my attention, and I walk over, studying it as the heart tries to expire. The man at my feet looks up with horror, trying his best to scramble backwards as I take another step.
“Don’t. Please, don’t. I was just following orders,” he sobs fearfully, his eyes widening as I tilt my head from side to side. Playing with him is so much more fun than simply killing him.
His right leg begins to split open slowly, starting at his ankle and running up to his groin. Deafening, shrill screams leave his mouth, and I lick my lips, hungry for more, desperate to taste all the pain I can.
“I thought you wanted me,” I whisper, drawing closer. Whoever he is, he wants my blood. I can see it vividly through his emotional signals, as though his intentions are rolling off him in the form of a written confession. “You want my blood. You want me. Here I am,” I hiss.
He grabs his leg, shaking his head furiously. “I don’t. I don’t want anything. I swear. I’m sorry.”
Sorry. I can’t help but laugh at the ridiculous word that is now suspended in the air. His fear brings me more answers, and this bastard wants me dead. He wants my blood. My blood!