Page 125 of Mine to Take
A sigh of contentment escapes from me as I drift off wrapped up in his arms.
As soon as my eyelids open, I realize I’m not alone. Willow’s warm body is nestled against my chest. And just in case she tried to put a little distance between us during the night, I kept my arm locked around her. Now that we’ve cleared the air, I don’t want anything coming between us.
My morning wood stirs against her perky little ass.
That’s all it takes for my mind to tumble back to yesterday and the way arousal had flared in her eyes when I’d threatened to spank it.
Yup…we’ll definitely be exploring more of that.
Even the thought of laying hands on her has my erection turning painful. I can’t help but nudge it against her backside.
There’s nothing better than waking up with Willow wrapped up tight in my arms.
It’s the perfect way to start the day.
To start every day.
I promised her last night that we would talk when she woke up, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Hash everything out and come to an understanding.
And that understanding is that Willow Thompson belongs to me.
Everything loosens inside me as that thought reverberates through my brain.
Unable to resist touching her, I brush aside the long mass of golden strands to kiss the side of her face. As soon as my lips sweep over her temple, I realize that she’s still hot.
No, not just hot…burning up.
It’s like being scalded.
The jolt of fear that sizzles through my veins is more than enough to shake off the last dregs of sleep.
And then I’m wide awake.
I haul myself into a seated position before rolling Willow onto her back. Her eyelids remain feathered closed as color stains her cheeks.
I lay my palm against her forehead, hoping I’m wrong and it’s not as bad as I think it is.
She feels even hotter than I first thought.
“Willow?” Fear weaves its way through my voice until I hear the fine tremble in it. “Wake up, baby.”
She remains unresponsive.
If it weren’t for the rapid rise and fall of her chest, I’d be freaking the fuck out.
It takes effort to remain calm and figure out the best course of action before rolling from the bed and hauling on my jeans. After that, I drag my sweatshirt over my head and shove my feet into shoes.
Willow is dressed in a loose T-shirt and shorts. I scoop her limp body into my arms before heading to the door.
Her roommate’s eyes widen and her mouth falls open as she steps out of the bathroom and grinds to a halt.