Page 18 of Mine to Take
At some point, I need to sit down and have a serious convo with him about keeping my private information private. Part of me is irritated, but a bigger part is sad that my family can’t seem to move on.
I refuse to live in a bubble.
I spent enough time in high school sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone around me live their best lives.
I won’t do it any longer.
The cool evening breeze slaps at my cheeks as I shove through the back door of the bar. It’s a relief to leave behind all the suffocating tension simmering inside. I have the sneaking suspicion that River knew exactly what he was doing when he casually suggested the place.
I glance up at the dark sky.
The night is cold and clear. Pinpoints of light glitter brightly from up above. It’s tempting to stop and search out the Little and Big Dippers. My love for star gazing and astronomy was born during my battle with leukemia. There were days when I was so fatigued that I couldn’t do anything more than lie in bed and read. It gave me something to focus on and explore from the comfort of our home. Dad bought me a telescope and we’d search out the constellations at night. If I didn’t have the physical strength, he would carry me out to the back porch. We followed any astronomical event that happened and would stay up until the wee hours of the morning to experience them.
Marveling at the vastness of the universe and the infinite number of galaxies helped put everything I was struggling with into perspective. In the grand scheme of things, my life and problems were insignificant.
Instead of giving in to the urge, I burrow into the collar of my jacket and hurry toward my Ford Bronco. It was a present from my parents on my eighteenth birthday. In true Mom fashion, she made sure it had all the safety bells and whistles.
When I’m a few feet away from the vehicle, I slip the key fob from my pocket and click the locks. As soon as the beep rings throughout the air, swift-moving footsteps snag my attention. My heartrate kicks up as I swing around, ready to confront a possible attacker.
I’m thrown off when I come face-to-face with Maverick McKinnon.
Even though he hit the plexiglass in front of me, I’m struck by his masculine beauty without the barrier between us. His hair is so inky in hue that it’s nearly black. Under the illumination of lights scattered throughout the parking lot, his eyes appear just as deep and dark. His face is angular with chiseled cheekbones and a strong, straight nose that fits his profile perfectly. Scruff covers both chin and cheek.
That’s all it takes for arousal to slam into me with the force of a tsunami.
This guy is way too good looking.
Our proximity leaves me feeling strangely tongue tied.
The heavy silence that has fallen over us continues to stretch as our gazes remain locked. It’s like we’re both too busy eating the other one up with our eyes to say a word.
It’s almost a relief when he jerks his head toward the exit I’d rushed through minutes ago.
“You just gonna walk out on your boyfriend?”
I blink, thrown off by the gruff question. Out of everything I expected him to say, that wasn’t it. “Boyfriend?”
A mixture of heat and anger sparks to life in his eyes. “Yeah, River. He’s your boyfriend, right?”
It takes a handful of seconds to process the question. My brain feels muzzy, and it has everything to do with this handsome guy standing no more than a foot or two away from me.
That’s when I realize he’s inching closer, swallowing up the space between us.
“He won’t miss me.”
My guess is that he’s still sucking face with the girl at the bar.
When he’s close enough for me to inhale a big breath of his cologne, I take a hasty step in retreat. And then another. On the third, my spine hits the side of the Bronco as I flatten against the door.
A predatory expression leaps to life in his eyes. “Are you afraid of me?”
I lift my chin, attempting to brazen out the situation. “Of course not. Is there a reason I should be?”
When his lips spread into a slow smile, my belly pinches before dropping to my feet.
With our gazes locked, he bridges the distance between us until I have to crane my neck to maintain eye contact. It wouldn’t take much to drown within his fathomless depths. It’s an unsettling thought that should scare the crap out of me.
Oddly enough, it doesn’t.