Page 50 of Mine to Take
“I really hope so.”
“Just pretend you’re a dumb bunny looking to get laid. I’m sure there’s a revolving door of them.”
I frown at the idea of that being the case.
Although, Holland is more than likely spot-on in her assessment. Groupies probably crawl out of the woodwork to sleep with Maverick McKinnon. After the night I spent with him, I can totally understand the reason for that.
When a kernel of jealousy blooms to life inside me, I stomp it out.
We had one night together.
He’s probably forgotten all about it by now.
“Get a move on, girl.”
I meet Holland’s steady gaze. “Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need luck.” She points toward the house. “Now go.”
I suck in a deep breath before jerking the handle and jumping from the car.
The passenger side window disappears between us. “How cool would it have been if you’d ducked and rolled?”
Before I can respond, she hums the Mission: Impossible theme music as she moves her shoulders from side to side. A reluctant smile simmers at the corners of my lips as I swing away and jog to the concrete walkway and then up the rickety front porch stairs. A tremor slides through me as memories of the way he’d slipped his arm around my waist and held me close tumble through my brain.
Once at the door, I peek inside the beveled windows, looking for signs of life.
There are none.
I throw a cautious glance over my shoulder and meet Holland’s eyes. She gives me a thumbs up sign in response.
Just like she said—it’s now or never.
My fingers wrap around the handle before twisting the knob and shoving the thick wood open. Air gets clogged in my throat as I peer inside and pause to listen. The only thing I’m able to hear is the hammering of my own heart as it echoes in my ears.
I throw another watchful look over my shoulder before slipping inside the entryway. My gaze slides over the interior. It looks different with the bright sunlight pouring in through the windows than it did in the darkness. Or even when I’d snuck out the next morning. I’d been much too intent on escaping to soak in my surroundings.
It reminds me of the house that River shares with a bunch of teammates near East Town University. There’s a masculine presence that lacks any female touches or homeyness.
Just as I take the staircase to the second floor, a deep voice says, “So, is this going to become a regular occurrence? You sneaking in and out of our house?”
For the second time within a week, I yelp and swing around, only to find Hayes leaning against the wall outside the living room.
He grins, taking in the startled expression that must be plastered across my face.
“Funny, you just missed Maverick.” With a tilt of his head, he crosses his brawny arms against his chest. “I could give him a call if you’d like. I’m sure he’d love to see you again.”
“That’s not necessary. The only reason I stopped by is because I, um, left something behind the other day.”
My brow furrows. “What?”
His smile widens. “What I think you meant to say is that you left something behind the other night.” There’s a pause. “When you came home with Maverick.” My cheeks heat. “And then stayed until the wee hours of the morning.”
“Thanks for the recap.”
“No problem. I’m here to help.”