Page 92 of Locke
I squeezed at my scalp. “Don’t guilt me. I’m just asking for space—”
“Be fucking careful how much space you ask for, Kali!” she growled, her bad side flaring now as she glared at me. “Like your history suggests, you might have no one left waiting.”
Triggered by her words, I stormed to my door and slammed it on her face.
“Bitch,” she cursed before stomping away.
The bathroom door slammed shut, and I was shaking. Holding back my tears, I took my clothes off, and changed into clean jeans and a light sweatshirt. There, I was in clean clothes. I couldn’t put on my make-up because they were in the bathroom, and Sylvia took long ass showers. I didn’t have time to wait around. I needed to catch my bus. I quickly used the mouthwash in the kitchen, tied my hair back, and then went to the front door. I slid my phone into my pocket, my ID and cash into my shoe and then I hurried out of there.
Sylvia:What did you do to the rent envelope in the kitchen???
I’d barely been on the bus when she sent the text. Bumping into shoulders, I hurried to an empty seat before responding back: Nothing.
Seconds later, she was blasting my phone.
Sylvia:Kali, the envelope isn’t on the counter next to the toaster where I left it. You clearly did something to it. Fuck’s sake.
Me:Sylvia, I didn’t do anything to the envelope. Look again. Please don’t swear. I don’t want to fight with you.
Sylvia:I’ve torn the kitchen apart. The envelope I put right here last night is GONE and you were the last person in the kitchen. This is stressful because it’s MY name on the lease, not yours. Don’t lie to me, okay?
My heart raced, confusion growing as I replied: I didn’t touch it. I would never lie. I’ve never lied to you, especially about this. Do you think someone stole it? Did you have anyone over last night?
Feeling a prickle at the back of my neck, I looked up from my phone, nervously glancing around me. No one was staring at me, yet I felt like I was being watched. I looked out the window next, searching for that black car, but there was a red jeep and a taxi and no black cars.
My phone buzzed, and my heart climbed up my throat at her response.
Sylvia:I never let anyone over, and who could have stolen it, Kali? We keep our doors locked and never had any issues before now. And you HAVE lied to me. You continue to lie to me. You won’t let me in, and you’re acting crazy. You’re a fucking mess to live with, and it’s starting to feel like it might be drug related. If that’s the case, I’m giving you this one chance to return the envelope so we can pay rent when Douglas comes around tonight. If you don’t, I’ll never forgive this. It’s fucking low. We worked hard for that, and I don’t have the money to make up for it. Do the right thing, or I’m finding another roommate.
Me:Sylvia, please believe me when I say I didn’t do it. Crazy things have been happening lately, and I’m losing control of my life, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. It’s someone else, but I can’t tell you more than that, or we’d both be in danger.
Sylvia:What the fuck are you on, Kali?!
Sylvia:I’m not buying your bullshit. You have until tonight to put the rent back on the counter, and then you have a month to find another place.
I sighed.
I didn’t even feel anger. I was beyond that. I pocketed the phone, knowing with full certainty that my life was going down the shitter fast. That Locke was fucking me over one layer at a time, and I was letting him. Why? Because his cock was colours in my black and white life, and I wanted every lick of that rainbow.
This was a hard pill to swallow.
By the time I made it to work, I half-expected it to be blown to smithereens. Like maybe the bastard had nuked the shit out of it.
Surprisingly, everything was as is.
The office was on a large wealthy property, separate from the actual house Dino lived in. The office wasn’t huge or anything. It was one large room where three of us worked. Dino, my boss, was the accountant, and his side of the room was closed off by a partition wall. On the other side was the bookkeeper Theresa and me.
I dragged my shoes along the mat outside the door before entering. Dino got pissy if we dragged any debris in. Opening the door, I quietly stepped in. All the lights were on, and the fans were on full blast. I looked up to greet Theresa with a smile but found her desk by the entrance empty. I turned to look at Dino’s office space, and there he was, already on a phone call with a customer. I gave him a light wave when he looked up at me, trying not to linger on his appearance. Weird ass was dressed as a clown. Like full attire with the red button nose and all.
I just—I couldn’t even with this man.
Arriving at my desk, I immediately took a seat, ready to start my day, feeling like this was what I needed. This sort of work was stable, and I’d need to find something else to do on the side. I wasn’t going down the babysitter rabbit hole again, and maybe I could send a few messages to Derek and convince him I wasn’t a threat. I’d even tell him about my past if push came to shove.
“Kelly,” Dino called out just then just as I was logging into the account. No matter how many times I corrected my name, he continued calling me Kelly. It was obviously purposeful. Such a narc dick.