Page 6 of Just My Style
When we disconnect the call, I pull up Margo’s number and hit the call button.
She answers on the first ring. “Cara? You can’t be in Mexico yet.”
“I’m in Savannah,” I tell her. “I’m on my way to the hospital with a minor hand injury.” I nearly choke on the words as I tell her the whole story.
“Oh, Cara, I’m so sorry,” she says.
I sob into the phone. “I know it’s silly to be so upset about a bruise. The handsome doctor at the airport thought I was ridiculous. It won’t even take very long to heal. It’s just that I was really excited about this job.”
“I understand. Truly, I do.”
“I won’t be able to work for a few weeks,” I say.
“Come to Friendly! I’ll introduce you to Victor—a hot doctor who won’t judge you.”
I smile. “I think that’s a great idea. I need to find a rental, though. I plan to stay at least two weeks, and that’s too long to crash on your sofa.”
“We wouldn’t mind,” she says quickly. “But if you’d prefer a quieter, less crowded space, Tuck’s stepdad, Coop, has a house that’s currently empty. Hazel lived there before she married Bishop, so it’s had some feminine updates. It’s cozy and right on the marsh. I’ve been trying to talk Carlinya into moving there, but she’s sticking to her guns to stay where she is.”
I smile at the mention of Carlinya. I’ve only met her a few times, but she’s a gem, and sort of a surrogate aunt to Margo.
“Coop’s place sounds perfect. Can you get in touch with him for me?” I hang up and brush the tears from my eyes. There’s no sense in crying about it anymore. After all, things could be worse. I’ll be at the beach, and I have a blind date with a sexy doctor to look forward to. If he’s even half as awesome as Margo claims, he could be the perfect distraction from the pain.
After the emergency room confirms that the accident at the airport resulted in a minor contusion and will have no long-term effects on my health—but detrimental effects on my career—I rent a car to drive back to Friendly. I arrive at Margo and Tuck’s in time for sunset.
I feel bad ringing the doorbell right at the magic hour and interrupting the show. I know they’ll both be on their rooftop terrace now, as it has the best sunset views in Georgia, which is part of their nightly ritual.
A minute or two later, Tuck swings open the door, slightly breathless from his race from the roof to the door. I follow him up the two flights of stairs to the rooftop, plopping onto a blanket with the babies to admire the view.
“Do you two know how lucky you have it?” I ask my friends.
They exchange loving looks. “Yes,” they answer in unison.
“Your mommy and daddy are disgusting,” I tell the babies, pulling a silly face that makes them both laugh with delight. “That’s why I need to find somewhere else to stay while I’m in town. It’s not you guys.”
Tuck laughs. “I’ll drive you over to Coop’s house tonight. My sister, Hazel, will be your neighbor. She has a spare bike that you can use all week to get around, if you’d like.”
“A bike?” When was the last time I rode a bike? “That sounds like a broken arm waiting to happen…”
Margo grins. “The island is very walkable. It just takes longer.”
Tuck, Margo, and I fall into silence as we admire the view. Hildy and Fisher babble and coo nonstop, as if they’re singing a karaoke duet. The tension in my shoulders finally starts to ease.
Things could be so much worse.
I’m surrounded by loved ones in a gorgeous place with an amazing view. Who can ask for more than that?
Once the sun sets, we bundle up the babies, and head back inside. Margo tugs on my sleeve to hold me in place as Tuck descends the stairs.
“By the way,” she says with a grin, “I’ve signed you up to be Victor’s partner for all the Hank Heron Appreciation Week activities.”
“You what?!”
She laughs. “It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”
I twist a lock of hair uneasily. “What are the activities?”
“So, the goal is to complete the Friendly Beach Passport, which includes a beach scavenger hunt, a bicycle tour of the town, a kayak tour of the tidal creeks, and a sandcastle competition. Everything but the sandcastle competition can be done whenever you can squeeze it in. It’ll be up to you and Victor to decide when you’ll do each activity.”