Page 16 of Silver Flirt
I wipe down the bar counter, making sure every inch is spotless before we open for happy hour at the Silver Coop.
The front door swings open, and my twin brother Brett walks in.
“Hey, bro,” I call out, grinning at him. “Long time no see.”
Brett chuckles and slides onto a stool. “Good to see you too, Bash. How about a drink on the house for your favorite twin?”
I grab a whiskey glass. “The usual?”
“You know it.”
I pour him two fingers of Macallan and slide it across the bar. “So what brings you by, brother? Just missing my charming company?”
Brett takes a sip and smirks. “Always. But actually, I have something for you.” He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a check, and holds it up between two fingers.
I raise an eyebrow. “Did we have a bet I forgot about? Because usually, I’m the one taking your money.”
“Har har.” Brett rolls his eyes and sets the check on the bar. “Denise and I have been doing some fundraising for Diamond Dreams. We heard what happened with Trevor and wanted to help.”
I swallow hard, touched by their thoughtfulness. “I don’t know what to say. Thanks, bro.”
Brett slides the check over to me. “I know it’s not enough to cover everything Trevor stole, but it’s a start. We’re not going to let that asshole destroy all the good you’ve done.”
I whistle lowly as I pick up the check and see the amount. “Well damn. You two have been busy. “I’ll make sure this gets where it needs to go.” I tuck the check in my pocket. “But anyway, what’s new with you? How’s everything at Sugar Breeze?”
Brett and his wife Denise have made the Sugar Breeze Bakery into a local institution in Barton Beach. People line up out the door for their famous cinnamon rolls and pecan pies.
Brett’s face lights up with a proud smile. “Sugar Breeze is booming, man. Denise has been killing it with these new seasonal cupcake flavors. We can barely keep them on the shelves.”
“Well, I’m glad business is booming for you two lovebirds. You deserve it, putting in all those long hours.”
“Speaking of lovebirds,” Brett leans forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Word on the street is that you’ve been spending an awful lot of time in Houston lately.”
“Care to share with the class, Bash?”
I groan, setting down the glass I’m cleaning. “Who told you?”
Brett chuckles, clearly enjoying watching me squirm. “I have my sources.”
Damn small towns. You can’t even take a shit without the whole neighborhood knowing about it. I love Barton Beach, but sometimes living in a place where everyone is all up in your business can be a real pain in the ass.
I sigh, knowing he’s not going to let this go. “Alright, fine. I have been spending more time in Houston lately. Melissa Graham has been helping me sort out that mess with the stolen scholarship funds.”
Brett’s eyes widen in shock. “Melissa Graham? As in, your tutor from high school? The one who used to hate your guts?”
I nod, a wry smile tugging at my lips. “The very same.”
“Damn, bro. I thought she swore off ever speaking to you again after you asked Amber to prom instead of her.”
I wince at the memory. “Yeah, we’ve grown up a lot since then. Water under the bridge and all that.”
Brett leans back, studying me intently. “So what, you two are friends now?”
I shrug. “Something like that. She’s a damn good lawyer. We’ve been working together on this scholarship fiasco. “