Page 25 of Silver Flirt
“Is that so?” she says with a breathless laugh. “You sure you can handle me, Cooper?”
I grab her ass and hoist her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. She gasps as my hardness presses insistently against her sensitive core.
“Oh, I can handle you, Counselor,” I growl, walking us toward the bedroom. “The real question is - can you handle me?”
She tightens her legs around me and rolls her hips, creating delicious friction. Then she gives me a sultry smile. “Bring it on.”
Chapter Eight
As Lisa and I walk into the Sugar Breeze Bakery, the warm aroma of freshly baked pastries fills my nostrils.
My eyes scan the display case, taking in the rows of flaky croissants, glistening fruit tarts, and decadent chocolate cakes.
"I don't know how I'm going to choose," I say to Lisa. "Everything looks amazing."
She nudges me with her elbow. "Let's be bad and get one of each."
I laugh. "I like the way you think."
We place our order with the perky blonde behind the counter, then find a small table by the window.
Lisa takes a big bite of her chocolate croissant and sighs with pleasure. "Oh my god, this is orgasmic. You have to try it."
She holds it out to me and I lean in, taking a bite. The buttery layers melt on my tongue, the bittersweet chocolate rich and smooth. "Wow. We are definitely coming back here."
"Told you." Lisa grins, a smudge of chocolate on her lip. Then she leans forward. “So, how have been you enjoying your week in my little beach town?”
"I'm loving it," I reply truthfully, sipping my latte. The foam tickles my upper lip. "This is exactly what I needed. A chance to relax, recharge, and not think about work for once."
Lisa nods. "I'm so glad. You deserve a break after everything you've been through. Have you decided what you want to do now that you’ve quit the firm?"
I hesitate, my fingers toying with the handle of my mug. "Honestly, I'm not sure yet. Pro bono work is definitely my passion, and I'd love to get back into doing guardian ad litem stuff. But it will be tough without the resources of a firm behind me." I take another sip of my latte. “Right now, I’m just trying to focus on the Diamond Dreams case.”
"How's that going, by the way?" Lisa asks, her green eyes curious.
"Well, we had a major breakthrough recently. We were able to track down Trevor, the board member who embezzled the money. He’s in custody, but all the money he spent is gone, of course."
Lisa shakes her head. “Of course.”
"But it looks like he will at least do some serious time behind bars," I continue. "And the great news is, Sebastian's foundation has been working overtime to raise money to replace what was stolen. They've held a bunch of fundraisers and reached out to private donors."
Lisa's eyes widen. "That's incredible! So, the scholarship recipients will still get their money?"
I nod, a smile spreading across my face. "Every single one of them. We're not going to let Trevor's actions destroy those girls' dreams."
"Melissa, that's amazing." Lisa reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. "You should be so proud of the work you've done on this case. Those girls are lucky to have you fighting for them."
I feel a rush of emotion at her words. "Thank you. It hasn't been easy, but knowing we're making a real difference makes it all worth it."
“And best of all, you get to do all of your legal work in this little slice of paradise.”
I chuckle. “It’s honestly still a little crazy being here. I guess I'm just not used to having so much free time. I don't know what to do with myself."
Lisa winks at me. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing Bash knows exactly what to do with you.”
I nearly choke on my bite of croissant, heat flooding my cheeks. “Lisa!”