Page 55 of Renegade Queen
“Look, can we get back to what we’re here to do?” I sighed impatiently.
“It’s an area in the centre of Nymeria which has already been flooded with wild magic. It’s basically impassable. Anyone who’s tried to go in has never been seen again. It’s filled with the creatures of Nymeria that have succumbed to the pull of the wild and lost their minds,” Rhidian excitedly explained, his hands starting to fly about like they always did when he was talking about something he was passionate about.
“Sounds totally reasonable to me, like a classic fantasy book. Of course, it’s going to be in the middle,” Ryder exclaimed, and I gritted my teeth, trying to resist the urge to strangle him.
Dean’s answering smirk didn’t make me feel any better either, even if it made him look smoking hot. “Welcome to the past twenty years of my life,” he quipped.
Ryder reared back, clutching at his chest like he was mortally wounded, before breaking out into giggles. It was impossible not to laugh along with him. I swear I even heard a chuckle come from Fizzle, and it had to be potentially the first time in my entire life.
“Don’t encourage him.” I sighed. “You should be getting some rest, anyway. Fizzle will take you back to the portal when the sun is up.”
I knew I was going to get some pushback, but it really was the best option. Going alone to the palace would mean sneaking in alone. The Winter Palace wouldn’t be easy to get into. I knew a way to sneak into the lower levels, and accessing the holding cells from there would be simple… as long as I didn’t draw any attention. Alone would be the best way to do that. Alone, without any volatile and pushy shifters who didn’t play with others would probably be even better.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Dean scoffed. “You think we’ll leave you here alone with the pretty golden boy to storm that place. Don’t make me show you what I think of that.”
I… might be okay with that idea.
And it wasn’t until Tank gently slipped a finger under my chin and snapped my mouth closed that my brain came back online.
“Nah, mate, there’s no way I’m going up there.” Rhidian laughed. “This pretty golden boy—thanks for that, by the way—has a ship to catch. This is all you.”
I couldn’t decide if Dean was happy or disappointed by the news.
“That’s settled then,” Ryder cheered happily, clapping his hands together. “We set out for the Winter Palace in the morning, grab Damon and then go and check out this unpassable forest filled with monsters after.”
“I blame you for this,” I said, turning to Rhidian, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Well, my little fire starter, consider this payback which was a long time coming.”
He had a point.
“Fizzle, you know how to contact me,” Rhidian said, standing up and dusting the sand off his ass as he looked around at the guys. “She’s trouble, you know, but she’s probably worth it. I’d be grateful if you could make sure she stays breathing.”
Wow, maybe that was Rhidian’s way of being thoughtful in his unique brand of annoying way.
But he was right to leave; this whole idea was madness, and he no doubt had other things to do. He’d already built up quite the reputation for himself before I’d left. And I had no doubt he’d continued it in my absence. Rhidian did important work in his own way, and I wouldn’t hold it against him for not wanting to come with me.
Someone had to captain that ship of his anyway.
Chapter 25
I couldn’t decide if I was glad that Rhidian was leaving. Obviously, I didn’t want him near Alyssa, he was far too friendly, and I had a feeling he was a hugger. But he knew this world, and he’d survived here while Alyssa was away. His knowledge could be helpful, and the one thing we needed to ensure was that she walked out of here alive.
Especially since it seemed she had some kind of death wish going on. And I wasn’t talking about her storming that damn clearing alone. But rather, what would be waiting for her once Rhidian was out of earshot, and she was left with four angry shifters who hadn’t gotten a chance to express their anger yet. And what better way than to show her all the other uses she could have for her body, and all the reasons she had to live for.
I licked my lips at the thought. Now probably wasn’t the time, but I could still remember her taste, and damn if I didn’t want to hear her screaming out in pleasure as she rode my cock again.
Yes, she was definitely in for a lesson on who she belonged to right now.
“You’ve got a look on your face that I’m not sure if I should be afraid of or intrigued by,” Ryder quipped from my side, where I hadn’t realised he’d been standing.
Looking down at him, I felt my lips twitch in a smile. There was something about the guy that lightened the mood whenever he was around. After all, we were hiding in a dingy cave, and the guy who wanted Alyssa dead knew she was back. Because she fucking told him.
“Oh, okay, it definitely switched to scary,” Ryder added with a wince. “Alyssa, you’re in trouuuu-ble,” he whistled, approaching the lady in question.
At first, I thought he’d be firmly on her side, but when he wrapped his arms around her from behind and turned her to face me, it felt a hell of a lot more like he was on team teach-Alyssa-a-sexy-lesson.