Page 54 of Renegade Kings
“Yes. It’s where he breaks them down and then takes over control. The majority are turned into The Endless, but there are some who keep enough of their will to become soldiers in his guard.”
I nodded. We’d sensed soldiers at the Winter Palace who weren’t part of The Endless. I’d assumed they were from the Winter Court, his own people. I couldn’t see why anyone would join his guard from the other courts, but I guess there’s a lot some people would do if it meant staying alive.
“Part of me wishes you’d stayed,” Fizzle mumbled as he batted at one of the barracks models with one paw. His whole concentration seemed to be on the tiny model, but I knew it was just because some confessions were easier made when you didn’t have to look another person in the eye.
“I should have stayed. I never should have left. My place was here with my people, and I don’t just mean those of the Spring Court. I should have done what Rhidian did and found a way to fight back.”
Maybe that was why I was so angry with Rhidian. He’d accomplished what I should have been doing all along. Rhidian never had an easy life, but he’d still stepped up. He’d seen the atrocities and decided he was going to do something about them. He didn’t run through the realm portal without looking back. Maybe it wasn’t anger that clouded my view of Rhidian. Maybe it was just the shame of what I’d done.
Fizzle turned to look at me with a soft expression on his face. I was pretty sure I’d never seen it in my life. It was pretty scary in a strange sort of way. “I meant the human realm. I wish you’d stayed in the human realm.”
“Well… thanks for the vote of confidence,” I joked, even though it really wasn’t the time. The small hiss that came from Fizzle was evidence enough that he agreed. “I would never have stayed there forever, and I should have returned a long time ago. This was always going to be my fight, right? I just needed to realise it.”
I thought about the guys, about the life we could have if we left and went back to the human world. They might not be human anymore, but they deserved the chance to have that life if they wanted it. We should have talked about it before we bonded. They came here for a specific purpose and I knew they’d said they’d fight with me if that was what I chose, but it still deserved a conversation.
“I have to speak with my mates. See where they stand on this. But if they’re still willing, I’m not running anymore, Fizzle, it’s time for me to make a stand.”
“Of course, we’re going to stand with you.” Dean’s voice came from behind us.
When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw him slip through the doorway from where he must have been listening out in the corridor.
“Aww, is stalking our love language?” I quipped.
He strode to my side, pulling me into his arms and kissing me fiercely, like it had pained him to be separated by even the shadows he’d been hiding in. “You really think I’d let you out of my sight? You don’t get to go anywhere alone anymore.”
“We’ll talk about boundaries later,” I assured him, patting him on the shoulder as I turned in his arms to face Fizzle again. “I guess we’re in then. Damon is still a priority for us, though. It was our initial reason for returning and that hasn’t changed. Recovering him is important to us.”
Fizzle cocked his head to the side and ran his tongue over one fang as he thought. I’d felt those needly fuckers pierce my shins enough time growing up to know they could do some damage when he was pissed off. In fact, Ryder was probably about to experience it real soon for himself. I doubt Fizzle had forgiven him for grabbing him before he threw himself into the river. Fizzle was a pro at holding a grudge and getting his feathers wet was probably one of the worst crimes you could commit against him. Again, I was speaking from experience here.
Dean nuzzled against my neck, his grip tightening ever so slightly as he peered over my shoulder at Fizzle, clearly deciding what he wanted to say. The possessiveness that radiated through our bond was surprisingly comforting, and I didn’t know what that said about me.
In fact, was it strange that I was finding this whole situation kind of flattering?
“Damon is a high-ranking officer in Arik’s army,” Fizzle finally said, shocking the shit out of me and from how he tensed, Dean, too. “He would be a useful target to acquire.”
“My brother is not your fucking target,” Dean barked, and I could feel him getting ready to push me behind him and take on the little owl gryphon in front of us.
There was no way he could win that fight, he just didn’t know it yet.
“Wait, Damon has been in this realm for a matter of weeks. How has he made it to a position like that already?”
“I have a theory.” Fizzle shrugged and then set about prowling around the map again. At first I thought it was because he was going to show us something that backed up his theory, then I realised it was because he was ignoring us again.
“Okay, theories are better when they’re shared, you know.”
How was it possible that I’d forgotten how infuriating he could be?
Fizzle turned to look at us before sitting down and wrapping his tail back around his feet. The implication was clear. He wasn’t saying anything.
“This isn’t how you make friends and allies, Fizzle. I know you have this whole mysterious guru thing you like to lean into, but Damon is important to us, and if you know anything, you need to tell us.” I wanted to reach across the table to grab him and shake him, but I knew it wouldn’t do us any good.
He squinted in annoyance. But at least he’d know I was being serious about this. If this was a topic I didn’t care about, I wouldn’t push him, and he knew that.
“He’s special to Arik. I suspect it’s because he knows his connection to you. He knew you’d come for him and there shouldn’t have been any way for him to know this specific human would draw you back to the realm. But it’s more than that. It’s Damon himself. He only allows those into his ranks who he holds the greatest influence over and also retains enough of their own power to be considered a threat. He likes to keep them close and bend them fully to his will. Which means…”
“Damon has magic.” I gasped.
Dean laughed in disbelief, but when he realised I wasn’t joking, he actually stepped to my side so he could talk to Fizzle properly.