Page 70 of Renegade Kings
“No, Fizzle, I didn’t practise my magic in a magicless world. I was busy trying to pretend like I could fit in,” I snapped back at him, knowing he didn’t deserve it.
He was right. I was the one being rude right now. The problem was that I had a missing mate and no one else seemed to be bothered about it.
My muscles screamed at me as I stretched my arms out and then turned back to my grumpy instructor. I’d missed the familiar ache more than I’d realised. There was something nice about knowing you’d used your body and achieved something. There were some other very specific aches that fell into that category as well, and I was definitely feeling those right now, too.
I wanted to be annoyed at Dean, and maybe deep down I was, but the worry was just clouding it over. The thing was, it was hard to be pissed with him for doing exactly the same thing I just did. I couldn’t even make the excuse that he was in more danger than I would be. Well, maybe he was a little. But he had his wolf, and even if he didn’t know how to use his magic, he’d probably be able to summon something in a life or death situation.
The magic he and Tank had been throwing around at his first shift was insane. It was nearly as strong as what I’d been able to use before I first left this place. I’d even go as far to say that it was stronger than any fae could access any more.
Basically, he could look after himself, and I was starting to think I didn’t have a right to worry about him when I was so prone to running off by myself as well.
A hand touching my shoulder had me nearly jumping out of my skin. I should have known Ryder would come to reassure me, though. This was what he did.
“So we might not want to admit it, but we’re all a tiny bit worried about Dean. He’s one of those must-feel-my-feelings-in-private men, unfortunately. He does this sort of stuff all the time. You two have a lot in common like that.” He gave me a wry smile, and I resisted the urge to defend myself. Mostly because he was right. “He won’t actually do anything stupid, though. As much as it might seem like it to look at him. And he won’t go too far. He’ll be back soon. You can shout at him, he’ll shout at you and then you can tumble into bed and figure out why you’re not actually angry with each other.”
As he spoke, he slowly lowered his head, his lips brushing against my neck before he whispered. “Your scent is driving my wolf crazy right now.”
Another blast of air had the two of us falling back onto the sand this time, and Ryder cackled as Fizzle ranted about societal norms and why we were all beneath him.
Again, he kind of had a point, but it wouldn’t do anyone any good to agree with him aloud.
Damn, sitting here on my ass in the sand, it was hitting me pretty hard that being pissed at Dean was not only unproductive but eye opening in the extreme.
Ryder sat up, giggling in the sand, and nudged me with his shoulder. I could hear Maddox and Tank laughing behind us.
The bond inside me hummed with happiness and it wasn’t just coming from the men here. Dean had obviously worked out whatever was bugging him, or rather, his annoyance with me.
I flopped back into the sand, glancing over my head at the two men behind me.
This was what family was like. It was a connection; having someone to lean into when the weight got too much. It was these men, standing here, not judging me for my past.
We were bonded mates, and I hadn’t been giving that the respect it deserved.
“We’re a very emotionally dysfunctional group,” I murmured, more to myself than anyone in particular.
They heard me well enough, though, including Fizzle, who I could already tell was gearing up, ready to explode into another tirade.
“Fizzle, can we take a break while I sort something out with the guys? I’d hate to waste your time.” I asked, thinking it would smooth over some of his anger.
It did not help at all.
“My time was wasted the second I took this post as your guardian, useless two-legged creature!” Fizzle huffed, spreading his wings and leaping into the air.
“What the fuck?” Maddox growled. “The furry fuck is going too far.”
Maddox stormed into the training ring, staring up into the sky as he paced the length.
“I don’t think you can reach him from down here,” Ryder quipped.
“Ignore Fizzle. That was him basically giving me a hug.”
“He doesn’t get to talk to you like that,” Maddox growled. “He needs to wind it back before he wakes up to find himself plucked, stuffed, and ready for the fucking oven.”
It was sweet, in an overly aggressive, murderous kind of way.
“Come sit with us,” I called out to Maddox and then turned around to look at Tank so he’d know I meant him as well.
They came with no argument and settled in on the sand. It was nice to sit in the sunlight and take a moment together, even if I was about to ruin it by trying to be all deep and shit.