Page 122 of Prince of Pain
Tempest cried harder, my eyes sliding back to her to find Mason backing away from her with confusion on his face. “You drugged his drink?”
“You said he’d be more fun!” she screamed, trying to crawl towards him, but Wolfe moved closer and nudged her side with his foot, sending her back down.
Did Mason know? He’d always given me shit about getting sober.
As if sensing my thoughts, Mason scoffed. “I said he was boring, but I never told you to fuck with him like that. Why’s his car on fire, huh? I suppose that’s my fault too?”
“He was leaving! Now he can’t leave!” She was being ridiculous, and thankfully, the guys all seemed to agree with me because Mason lifted his gaze to mine, apology on his face.
“I’d never let someone do that to anyone. If you’d asked to get high, I wouldn’t have talked you out of it, but without you knowing? No fucking way, man.”
Wolfe chuckled, the sound cruel as he stood over Tempest. “I could ignore the missing bills from my wallet, even that one time you stole a bag of pills from Chan when you thought we wouldn’t notice, but this? We can’t ignore it. You’re a fucking desperate snake who only cares about yourself. You know what we do with people like that, right?”
I’d seen them throw a guy out before for drugging a girl at one of their parties. It wasn’t pretty, and the guy had been banned from future events.
I was pretty sure he left town from all the random beatings people gave him.
A fire truck pulled up and my phone started ringing, Caden’s name on the screen. He probably just watched me beat Tempest on the cameras.
I answered, his voice surprisingly calm. “We’re on the way.”
“No. Just handle the cops and the fire department. I’ll get a ride with Chan and the guys.” I looked at Channing who nodded, relief filling me. “I’ll come home tonight if I’m allowed.”
I heard someone mutter a relieved curse in the background as Caden replied. “Of course you can. You sure you don’t need us?”
“I need to beat up Channing’s boxing bag for a few hours, then I’ll come over and talk. I just need a little longer,” I promised, grateful when he agreed.
“I can pick you up later, okay? Just call when you’re ready. Is Tempest okay?” His tone said he’d seen it all, and I sighed.
“I couldn’t give a shit. Let her figure her own shit out with the cops when they get here. I’m done.”
“Should I call Archer?”
“No. She can be an adult and call him for help herself.”
Tempest got to her feet, and Mason ignored her, moving to the door to grab my bag for me.
One of the firefighters was on the phone, and I assumed it was someone from my family from the way they waved for us to go.
“Dad? I’m sorry,” I mumbled, eyeing my burning car as they tried to put it out.
“We can talk later. For now, you need to leave. We can collect anything else of yours later. Just go, it’s handled,” he replied. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I said before hanging up, leaving Tempest crying behind me as the guys led me towards their car on the street.
Tempest was screaming at me, but I pretended like I couldn’t hear her, sliding into the back with Mason, who dropped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.
I accepted it, letting myself lean on him as I processed the fact that the one girl who I’d stupidly fallen in love with had been nothing but a lying piece of shit.
My throat hurt from screaming, and my eyes stung from crying.
Why had I told him?
The remains of the car sat in the driveway, the scent of smoke still lingering in the air despite me being inside now.
I’d tried calling Ryder twenty-seven times since he’d left hours ago, Mason only allowing two attempts before he switched his phone off. I contemplated calling Mom and then scoffed, putting my phone down.