Page 19 of Prince of Pain
I put my hands on the window and popped it open, her eyes flying up to mine as I hauled myself inside. “Ry?”
“Shh,” I whispered, closing the window behind me and walking towards her. She hadn’t been kidding, her room looked like a tornado had hit it, but I managed to get across the carnage and squat in front of her.
There was already blood on the large men’s shirt she was wearing, so I grabbed the bottom of it and dabbed it across the cuts so I could get a better look at them. They weren’t life-threatening, but she needed to wrap them to keep them free of infection.
We’d done this before so I usually knew where she kept everything, but everything was currently all over her fucking floor.
“In my bed,” she mumbled, continuing when I raised an eyebrow. “I fell asleep with it the other night.”
I stood and managed to get to her bed without breaking my damn neck, pulling the blanket back to find a cloth and ointment, as well as blood stained sheets.
“They’ll notice that.” I turned to face her, seeing her shrug.
“They won’t care. They’d be better off without me anyway. They’d probably throw a party.”
“Don’t call it that, the correct term is a funeral,” I joked as I grabbed the water bottle off the bedside table and dropped down in front of her again.
I went to speak again, but Archer’s voice came from down the hall. “We’re going out. Stay home!”
The front door slammed, making me cringe. “What happened? He’s mad you stayed out all night?”
“That, and the fact I fucked Channing and the guys. Then he found an old syringe while trashing my room. They’ve cut me off financially.” She rolled her eyes as if it was no big deal, but the hurt seeped out of her like a tsunami. “I think he finally realizes his daughter’s a lost cause.”
“He just doesn’t know how to help you.”
“I don’t need fucking help.”
I wasn’t going to argue with her, so I helped her to her feet and opened the door.
“C’mon, I’ll clean you up in the bathroom.” I led her along the hallway, opening the bathroom door and sitting her on the sink while I rummaged in the small cabinet for a fresh bandage. “Do you want a shower before I wrap your thigh?”
“Are you coming with me?” She stared back at me as I met her gaze. “You didn’t get a release last night, right? You know I can give you one.”
“Temp—” She knew she was tempting me. I could’ve shoved a knife up her pussy and she’d thank me for it, and that thought made my dick hard.
She slid off the sink, dipping her fingers below the waistband of my sweats.
“Come on, Ry. Fuck me and slap me a little. You’ll feel better.”
“Last fucking time,” I warned, grabbing her by the throat. “After that, we’re done. Okay? Wash your cunt first. I don’t really want my dick playing with the Blackwater family daycare you’ve got going on right now.”
I didn’t really care, it wasn’t like I was putting my mouth on it. I’d shared body fluids with those guys plenty.
“Says the one with whore on their cock.”
“Not yet, but there’s about to be,” I grunted, watching as she pulled the massive shirt over her head. I was pretty sure it was Wolfe’s, but those guys all seemed to share their shit, not just women, so I wasn’t sure.
I made sure the door was locked, not that it would keep Archer out if he got home to hear someone murdering his daughter’s pussy, then I stripped naked and turned the shower on.
Blood was dripping down Tempest’s leg from the damage she’d inflicted on herself, and part of me wished I’d been the one to mark her instead.
“Have at it,” Tempest murmured, offering me the blade from her phone, knowing my thoughts somehow, and snapping me out of it.
“I don’t want to cut you up.”
I did. I wanted to drag a knife across her back and watch the pretty crimson lines form against her skin.
I wanted to feel her skin tear and hear her scream of pain.